
I still say (and probably will continue to say well aftetr half-season 5 has come and gone) that half-season 5 should all take place in the Darkest Timeline. If it were terrible, it would've been terrible without harming everything we love about Community Prime. If it were awesome, it would've been awesome within the

Nobody would've hated it, but I don't know that I ever could've rewatched BSG if it just ended on nuked out, uninhabitable Earth, and I would've dreaded having to introduce anyone else to the show. Fitting, epic, but holy hell would that've been depressing...

Obviously, they should go the Georgia route and found Mars as a debtors' colony. There's probably a pretty significant overlap between "People who would happily volunteer to go to Mars and never see Earth again" and "People who have Student Loans out the wazoo and crappy Earth jobs that won't pay them back in their

I would love to see (or not see, as it were) a stealthy Batman who just lurks in the vicinity of the Justice League as the party Rogue, disabling traps, setting traps doing recon, and just generally doing things that make it easier for everyone else to fly in and bunch stuff with either super-strong alien fists or

Just for everyone else, I'm taking a wild guess that the issue is more about the "realism" of the Nolanverse, not so much the development of Robin Blake as a character.

While I could see Myrcella having more of a chance than the author gives her credit, I can't see it being by Stannis' hand. She's another one of Jaime and Cersei's incest bastards, as illegitimate as anyone who's sat the Iron Throne since Robert.

I'm rather partial to Hijinks Ensue, personally. You don't have to be a reader; as long as you're into good TV, you'll probably find something you like in their store, whether it's the Grammar Dalek suggesting you might mean Doctor Whom, Jon, Ghost, and the prologue to A Game of Thrones recreated as an homage to

Very high on the list of ways to get me excited about a project: Use the word "biomimicry".

I guess I can live with the surveillance. It's the apprehension that I'm worried about...

I kept waiting for a suggestion that Erwin Schrödinger actually did awful things to cats. I guess that ones not as much of a legend of science as I thought, more of a colossal lack of understanding...

I'm holding out for the T-Rex equivalent of Oscar Pistorius myself...

You know humans with handles?

Well, yes, when they're made in wood, but they're hardly applicable when the worms are burrowing through dirt, or apples, or spacetime. Are we to have a different descriptor for every medium through which a worm could potentially burrow?

All those old paintings with comets and 'gods' riding in chariots in the sky and whatnot? I was expecting to see some celestial activity as described by centuries-old painters.

Obviously, the Polise Bocs is going to travel through Spayse, not Spayc. A c making an s sound is just too ridiculous.

Oh yeah? And you've been there to confirm this?

Everyone knows The Island moves. Duh...

This man, right here, knows his M.A.T.H.S.

I don't know. Don't you think if man (fully formed and ready to begin his domination of all the other plant and animal species on the planet) coexisted with dinosaurs, there would be more evidence of domesticated dinosaurs? I mean, come on, what says "My army marches with the one true God, who freed the Israelites