Only if I am as well for the same reason...
Only if I am as well for the same reason...
Didn't Jaime stab Aerys in the back, or was he not being literal when he had that little chat with Ned wondering if it would've been more honorable to stab him in the front?
I love that the trailer ends with "Google: Life on Europa", which brings up all the usual things you'd expect to see when you Google "Life on Europa", the Wikipedia page for Europa, news articles from sources like NASA and Al Jazeera, nothing about the movie. It's almost like the creators just want to make sure…
Technically, the Monolith just programmed the killer.
"There's nothing like a scifi fan. Like warm honey, poured all over you."
Funny, I've never seen "Die Another Day" spelled with a Q...
But why do we have to use those microdroids? Couldn't they just shrink us?
So, who here's doing Steampunk space dogs for NaNoWriMo?
Sorry, if climate change isn't causing more people to cook with peanuts, then it's not my allergy apocalypse...
*Reads headline*
I just hope they don't use Oxygen.
Just a suggestion to any future politicians: If part of your plan for the term for which you're hoping to get re-elected involves any sort of ambitious space travel/exploration plan, you might want to go ahead and make a note of mentioning that all over your campaign.
Alright, that's bad. Important safety tip. Thanks Esther.
I can't wait for the long-winded conversations about Force-enhanced sex and trying to figure out what the hell just happened in the gigantic mess that is continuity.
I'm just envisioning Castle's reaction if she had shown up in a costume like Alexis' or Beckett's...