
Not always true. Dexter's artist fling/NA Sponsor in Season 2, while her "sculptures" were mostly typical, crappy, found-art modern art stereotypes, I thought her paintings at least looked pretty cool. Also, Simon Pegg's character in Spaced (actually, a lot of characters who are comic artists) was decent enough

I can dig it. The Lady Stoneheart reveal is probably the element of Book 3 that I'm most looking forward to seeing on screen...

I could be wrong, but I thought Bran had been getting his really, really preliminary training from Jojen for a while by the time of the lightning storm.

I don't think we can lose Coldhands, but I think we can hold off on him. His role is pretty minor until Bran & Co. get through the Wall.

I don't think Jurassic Park is solely responsible for our raised hopes about dinosaur theme parks. About amber, probably, but it certainly had some help for the basic concept.

Not me. I'm just trying to find the console so I can turn on both NOCLIP and GOD...

From the headline, I was really hoping we were going to get Barbie sporting a high-powered sniper rifle and night-vision goggles...

SPOILERS I mean, after that butchering-the-stag scene in season 1 (aside: Butchering the Stag would be an awesome heavy metal album name), and what happens to the Tullys in Book 3 (and since he's sure as hell not fishing for symbolic direwolves...) /SPOILERS

Y'think there're any trout to catch in Blackwater Bay?

Can someone please explain to this poor, broke reader how we know the presence of another spider in the web is evidence of spider sociality? One paragraph, it's being described as evidence, and then in the next the author talks about spiders' propensity towards cannibalism and "attack[ing] immature species in the same

I fail to see the Amy problem. Her death is a fixed point; her getting zapped by an Angel is a fixed point, and 1938 is a mess of Wibbley-Wobbley Timey-Wimey... interference. But there's no compelling reason beyond a narrative handwave that Amy and Rory from later in that timeline couldn't make an appearance. They

I always assumed that reason reason was because it was made by John Smith...

Frankly, I'd say if they're going to tell you to sing along in the trailer (Shut up. Shut up. I know it's been in the title since 2008. That's beside the point), then the TV edit really ought to include a Disney Sing-Along-style bouncing ball to follow (perhaps a bouncing ball of Wonderflonium, or a bouncing

I'll hold out for "The Gamesters of Triskelion" or "The Trouble With Tribbles"... or "Mirror Mirror"...

I didn't think the episode was anything special, but I'm definitely digging the shirt...

Wait... Alpacas are a meme now? How did I miss that?

I'm curious if you get silver paintballs to take on the lupine-wavelength haemovariform...

Curious how you imagined them.

I'd say, since you have until ca. April before the show starts back up, and with the unputdownability of the books, you could probably get through most, if not all, depending on how quickly you read/how much else is on your plate by the time Season 3 rolls around. Then you can catch up on the show (or not, if you're

I'm going to go out on a limb and assume James was referring to some of her offensive comments about real people that didn't make the cut in this article but were published in the previous Kotaku article on the topic (