Things like this (and every story I ever hear from EVE) make me want to get into MMOs... and then I remember the gameplay that drives me away from every MMO I've ever tried...
I already don't get what the internet has been replaced by. Oh, people tell me those are memes, and I pretend to trust them because they got the font right (all-caps white Impact-font with a black stroke), but deep down, I don't really buy it...
While I can understand the answers given to the many other commenters asking "Why America?" I kinda feel like "American audiences" isn't really a satisfactory answer. I can understand a certain degree of whitewashing to make something palatable to American audiences, but isn't Akira sorta supposed to be absurdly weird…
Awesome nerd cred for the kid too:
In an effort to protect his son, Luxo Sr. has chosen not to invite his brother to Luxo family functions, citing concerns that his brother (uncle to Luxo Jr.) is "severely disturbed", "thinks he's a time traveler from the future" and "a massive pervert to boot."
Bane Cosby?
"Raptor specialist Jane Fink Cantwell... refused to take 'dead bald eagle' for an answer."
Aaaaaand as soon as I clicked to see the rest of the replies, first thing I see: "28 Days isn't a zombie movie. They're infected people." And then I see similar comments running all down the page hoping to find yours again. Thanks for the warning!
No thanks, after Jan Svankmajer's Alice, I think I hit my lifetime quota of psychedelic Eastern European movies...
Yeah a little bit. By no means am I an arachnophobe; in fact I found it pretty cool, but "adorable" is a pretty massive stretch if you ask me.
You lousy, spoiled kids. Back in my day, we didn't have your fancy picturestores and Mrs. Paints. When we wanted a picture of a giant eye in the wall of a room, we got up and walked —using our feet— 15 miles, barefoot, through a raging blizzard, to the room that had the giant eye in its wall and we took a picture. And…
I can't shake the mental image of an early Bond villain having just captured 007 and strung him up at the focal point of all those mirrors. "No, Mr. Bond, as soon as this cloud cover passes, I expect you to die."
"We meet at a college, noted for knowledge..."
The pterodactyl issue begs the question of how the TARDIS' wibbley-wobbley translationy-wationy magic affects scientific names. Does that psychic energy that gets in your head direct translate everything so that when someone says "Doctor, we need to run from those pterodactlys!" he hears "Doctor, we need to run from…
*Reads headline*
This video failed to highlight the most important feature of... I think it was Big Dog.
Which means it probably loses some of its versatility as a non-lethal support weapon. Who's going to keep insurging when they think there's a swarm of angry bees on its way? I sure as hell wouldn't. Allergies, man, allergies...