
Yes! This! So totally this! As great sci-fi/fantasy literature comes out, begging to be put on screen, and as it becomes more socially acceptable to get into geeky stuff, and as it becomes apparent that much of the great Sci-Fi/Fantasy literature out there just wouldn't work as a feature-length film, especially not

Especially because, age aside (and physique. Yorick's not ruggedly handsome. If any Firefly cast member could play him, from a purely physical standpoint, Sean Maher would be perfect...) Nathan Fillion's totally got the personality to play Yorick...

In the Turing version, the "Get out of Jail Free" card is no longer free. In fact, it's very, very expensive...

I still haven't decided which element of this episode I like more: That the creators of Doctor Who recognize they can put an episode in whatever batshit insane stream-of-consciousness setting they want, or the way the Doctor gleefully calls them out on how ridiculous and awesome the batshit insane

Even before I went and looked up "Emesis", I was fairly certain I wasn't going to top yours. Now that I've Googled it, I know I won't...

Now playing

I'm sorry, but the greatest song of Middle Earth is clearly "taking the hobbits to isengard".

I think part of what you're missing is that this wasn't a translation or a recitation, but an original poem composed in a fictional language. It's a bit different from that joke in The Undiscovered Country about how you need to read "[Shakespeare] in the original Klingon". Not only did Tolkein create a language for

Indiana Jones and the Riders of the Lost Ark.

This is probably my favorite of the many, many, many realistic takes on Pokemon that I've seen...

I always thought Bejeweled's multiplayer would be more of a CTF kinda game...

"When you have watched the Director's Cut, then you have my permission to complain about plot holes and rushed character arcs."

And here I thought the Romans had crucifixion down to a science to maximize the pain, humiliation, and exhaustion that a public execution could possibly entail.

The under-construction Goblin King there is the stuff of nightmares. Holy Hell!

Those footnotes would be better as Silver Age Marvel style footnotes: "Check out Amazing Spider Man issues 'Never !#$#ing Happened' to 'Why? Why Would You Even Joke About Such a Thing?' for the full story, True Believers! — Stan"

I'm just going to go ahead and assume that it's part of the joke that at least 75% of us will be unable to look at the Mohawk Guy version and assume that the sense of wonder somehow relates to his unusual and ridiculously awesome hair...

Tons, but are they in heaps? If so, good news, everyone!

Maybe "Lawful Evil" wasn't the right phrase, but I think that will, at least, not work quite how Varys was intending if his intent was to just unleash the old Cersei. She certainly realizes that her old tricks are no longer available to her and, possibly, that her old schemes aren't what is needed to keep King Tommen

He sounds so crotchety. I think he'd fit in well with Futurama's Society of Inventors. Can anyone else, upon hearing this interview, just imagine him joining Professor Farnsworth in shaking his fist at Wernstrom.

I'm so glad they didn't harp on Cersei becoming a narrator, especially with her arc since becoming a narrator. I'm probably going to get some flak for this, but hers are totally some of my favorite chapters... to finish. I never look forward to reading a Cersei chapter, but I can never wait to get to the end of one