No one's going to mistake Rickon for a main character. That makes him a supporting character, right?
No one's going to mistake Rickon for a main character. That makes him a supporting character, right?
Might have something to do with figuring out how to shot web...
So, not a sociopath, but a Vulcan?
Wow, if you'd written a piece like this 20 years earlier, your statue would be situated in the pantheon of cyberpunk pioneers right next to William Gibson and Neal Stephenson. Warped cathedrals of glitched out geometry, the man in Viridian City's rambling Pokemon-catching tutorial recontextualized as a mad prophet's…
"She never gets sick and doesn't require a background check."
I think I'd also subscribe to the neurological argument. Whether there's AR to provide us with whatever new experiences we can imagine or just ways to induce good ol' soap-opera caliber amnesia, I don't think we're likely to run out of ways to keep things interesting for an infinite amount of time. If you get bored…
"Besides I would lose my job, and be left aimlessly wondering the Irish countryside."
So, you're saying the news is good?
Y is one of the many, many, things that I've read recently, really liked, and thought "Thank God Game of Thrones and Walking Dead are doing well enough that people might start thinking of series-long adaptations as an alternative to cramming all this excellent plot and world-building into a feature-length film." I…
How do we know they find it uncomfortable? Some of them might be into BirDSM...
Not to look a gift unicorn in the mouth, but the link to "E Pluribus Unicorn" is 404'ed...
"Oh, Bender. I hate to be the bearer of bad news. Also, GOOD NEWS, EVERYONE!!!"
"A Time Lord and a Time Lady", perhaps?
Is this like one of those lame puns?
How convenient. This exchange from "The Sting" has been popping around my head all week.
Why do I not remember any indication that the Wind-Up Girl was set in the 2300's? I thought it was like, late 21st century?
I'm sitting on a half-dozen partially formed "Bigger on the inside" jokes, all of them terrible in every sense of the word...
And just to be clear, land is the stuff that has sky over it.
We knew the creators of the show had to be massive nerds, but we never realized just how massively nerdy...
Also the Lunar base at which Dr. Heywood Floyd lands in 2001 A Space Odyssey (I don't recall how much detail the movie went into about the construction of the base, but the novel made it clear that, at the very least, the living quarters were underground) before heading out to check out the Monolith.