Pueblos have already worked on Mars for centuries... even after they traded their planet for one measly bead...
Pueblos have already worked on Mars for centuries... even after they traded their planet for one measly bead...
Oh God, "The Tale of the Dead Man's Float"! I think that's the one that gave me nightmares for years afterward. Needless to say, I'm not opening Pandora's Box by clicking play and confirming my fears, but that description sounds like the one...
"and both Cage and Travolta bring a decent amount of conviction to their roles as an agent impersonating a terrorist and vice versa"
"Which is the best?
So the Tauntaun Sleeping Bag might have been a better choice? http://www.thinkgeek.com/product/bb2e/?srp=1
It could work: http://www.time.com/time/specials/packages/article/0,28804,1860871_1860876_1861029,00.html
I'd second the notion that the last-half-season-haters are the extremely vocal minority. I'll give them some points that there was some handwaving BS, but they'd also have you believe that there'd never been a moment prior to Season 4.5 that wasn't the hardest of hard sci-fi. If you really got what BSG was going for,…
Really? Because there was never any mystical, happenings in BSG prior to the last half-season? No one ever miraculously recovered from multiple cases of terminal cancer? There were never any hybrid children born of two completely incompatible (and one completely sterile) species? This hybrid child's blood didn't have…
I would've stuck the ending of 2001 under Aporia more than Stream of Consciousness, but maybe that's because I'm thinking of the novel which I just finished more than the movie.
Nightwing via Raiden? In a world where we've already got a heavily armored Batman driving a jet-powered tank, I'd say Sci-Fi Ninja Nightwing fits.
I think the implication is that the problem with Moffat's Llllllllllaaaaadies (that is, my interpretation of CJA's above explanation. I haven't really thought about it, and it's been too long since I watched much Who [i.e. since the end of last season...] for me to quickly establish much of my own opinion on the…
She forgot talking, or, perhaps more accurately, "giving speeches"...
In my opinion, it's a refreshing change from "Something cool that's not in my budget" (which is currently somewhere around $0...)
I think you mean "WHENNNNNNNNNNNNN????????????"
Show of hands: Who else read that in Ron Burgundy's voice?
I never watched 3rd Rock until I caught a couple reruns in the break room while working at Target after having watched Season 4 of Dexter several times. That lent more than a bit of surreal discomfort to the show...
In "The Wolverine", we discover that Logan's motivation throughout the whole series is that he just wants his kids back.
Not aware of X-Men Origins? How did you get so lucky?
That does kinda beg the question, where did you guys get photos so much bigger than the versions shown on the AP site, or is there just some witchcraft involved in expanding theirs that I haven't figured out? They've got more pictures there, but I can't seem to find large versions on the AP...
Not to understand, but urban decay looks really cool, and any artists or would-be artists are looking for inspiration anywhere and like big pictures for that. I can understand not necessarily needing the high-res pictures, but to assume that no one would seems more than a little dickish...