I like some of his Steampunk designs, like Venom with a top hat (that's presumably made out of symbiote), but I think I have to give props to his Rhino for being, I think, the least pathetically stupid that character has ever looked...
I like some of his Steampunk designs, like Venom with a top hat (that's presumably made out of symbiote), but I think I have to give props to his Rhino for being, I think, the least pathetically stupid that character has ever looked...
Given some of the comments, I'd say a "10 Greatest Unintentional Innuendos in Sci-Fi" list is in order. Then again, Cracked probably generates a new list of great unintentional innuendos every month, so maybe io9 doesn't need one...
The creator of The Last Airbender and The Happening teaming up with the station that brought us three weirdly-isolated half-seasons of Caprica that no one could follow because of their terrible scheduling, and also a bunch of wrestling and Ghost Hunters-type shows. What could possibly go wrong?
I'd assume if the amputee ever had legs, their height with legs would have been recorded (medical records, driver's license etc.). If not, you could probably make a pretty accurate assumption based on the person's proportions (especially if it's a below-the-knee amputation so you've already got some leg as precedent).
I think a lot of people are put off by the way their relationship has been handled, especially since they actually started being an officially on-again-off-again couple. There were some great moments when Fry was desperately trying to date Leela that were almost as touching as the endings to "Luck of the Fryrish" or…
Since you asked, "undoubtably" is spelled correctly, though it's an uncommon word and thus looks funny. The more commonly accepted version is "undoubtedly". It's nice to be able to be a Grammar Dalek of the "WOULD YOU LIKE SOME TEA?" rather than "EXTERMINATE!" variety for a change...
I see that someone's convinced you to give the whole 2005 series a start, and you've already gotten a lot of suggestions for "Blink" and some classic old episodes, but just my two cents:
I think if you're a straight guy, not likely to be falling in love with Tennant's Doctor, the best analogy would probably be something like "crazy, fun uncle, but not like 'so crazy your parents are squeamish about inviting him to Christmas dinner', just, y'know, eccentric and always has a cool souvenir for you from…
It would also be handy that in these types of episodes, we wouldn't have to see the Daleks getting beaten. I mean, you can't have the Daleks show up and ever actually win, so every time they show up, the Doctor winds up saving the day regardless of the odds.
"It has been said that democracy is the worst form of government except all the others that have been tried." ~ Sir Winston Churchill
So bees make honey, jelly, and now booze? How come nothing humans make tastes good or gets us drunk?
All folk stories have their roots in a prehistoric rumor mill?
"And Galadriel turns into this bad-ass gunfighter shooting down orcs wearing black stetsons."
It's a little early to definitively call it, but I think this is a pretty strong contender for "Most surreal headline of the day"...
This was sorta the power of one of the superheroes I came up with in high school. His limbs could regenerate fairly quickly if severed, and he retained contol of the severed ones until he had a new one. Many a time, he sent a spare hand, Thing-style through tight spaces...
"Researchers point out that most people would have to eat pounds of chocolate to get the same high as they would from pot."
I had forgotten how creepy the Morlocks looked. Kinda remind me of the Stupid, Stupid Rat Creatures...
Wrong. Syfy would pick it up, air the pilot, sell the pilot as a DVD movie while the first season is on an unjustifiably long hiatus, air the first half of the first season, sell season 1.0 on DVD while they're on an even more absurdly long hiatus between half-seasons, start to air the second half of the first season…
That's what was bothering me about Batman's eyes. Something didn't seem right about them. It was [Bat-]eyeliner!