
Well...often you order a pizza and say it's cooked at 9pm and arrives at your house at 9:30pm. You eat half of it and leave the rest in the box on your stovetop. You watch a movie. You fall asleep. Around 4am you wake up and realize you have to respond to an email before work the next day, so you fire up the computer.

Emily Deschanel has all the food her character eats on Bones made vegan for her, because she's an ethical vegan and has been for like 20 years. But I guess hating her isn't as fun? Sorry, that sounds like I'm snarking you, and I'm really just snarking the article (and Dodai a little for linking it.)

I fail to understand the logic of thinking that this woman deserves to be paid eleventy billion dollars to swan around in front of a camera and yet doesn't deserve to have her dietary decisions respected.

where she probably had to "nibble" on cake for 4 hours!

Let's see...it's Hathaway and DeNiro...so filming in NYC, most likely? There must a vegan bakery within 2 blocks of any spot from where ever they were, no? who the fuck cares? She's a nice lady!!

Not to mention many vegans choose their lifestyle for moral reasons (animal welfare) as well.

It is pretty amazing the epic built environments that have been accomplished in the past through which aerial photography has revealed even more complexity than people realized. So I can totally get why she likes her drone.

but I can't bring myself to buy anything from them.

If you go to lesmills.com, you can search for a class near you. It's a fantastic fusion. :)

WANT. The stained glass is one of my favorite parts of the movie!!

We all have a ticky-tacky side ... or should ... because it's right next to the sense of humor.

I love Jade, but they do start to pill & shred after awhile. They're also so frickin heavy!

I think KUWTK portrays her doing a lot of complaining and "doing nothing" with her family. That being said, we all know KUWTK is scripted, so filming that is like being on set all day. Which is not easy, especially when she has multiple projects going on.

Fair enough :)

Yes, let's shit on Blake Lively and pretend shitting on her is "unifying." Let's take a dump on a young, pretty, successful woman. I'm sure it has nothing to do with her being successful and pretty and apparently stable. We shit on the unstable Lohans - lets also shit on the boring girls who show up for work on

As a heterosexual, married male, I must offer two responses to this article:

First, the positive: Thank you for the laugh. This was one of the most insightful, witty, cutting articles I've read in a long time—and it had me howling, until...

Second, the negative: I have realized I know far too many men—and far too many

One day I was sitting on the bus behind a girl with headphones on with a guy started calling her "Blondie," and just generally telling her how he'd like to get to know her. He wasn't particularly crude about it, but it was clear his attention was unwelcome. But he kept trying, and she kept replying in monosyllables

remember the part in the bible where Jesus interrupts the stoning of the sinful woman to comment favorably on her physical appearance?

He did also mention this: she's a nice person, and she has her own money and is family-oriented?

oh, so she's a slut

Uh, so you do you don't believe people are worthy of respect just because they are people? Like I get that people do awful things that destroy people's lives and then they lose your respect but what did Kim do?