One more reason (if anyone needs it) to stop using and abusing elephants for profit and entertainment. ANIMALS HAVE FEELINGS.
One more reason (if anyone needs it) to stop using and abusing elephants for profit and entertainment. ANIMALS HAVE FEELINGS.
BikeWalkKC is on it! Slowly but surely more bike lanes are showing up.
I find that if you don't tell anyone it's vegan, the reactions afterward are priceless. People enjoyed themselves fully and then you blow their minds and they feel cheated.
"You should look down on her...You can still look down on her."
Right? I don't see why there's shade thrown at her for this. This article describes exactly how I feel about 99% of my exes. It's called being an adult.
You know what? I roll my eyes at Gywneth as much as the next person, but as a child of a wretched and traumatic divorce, a little part of me admires their attempt to keep their separation/divorce as calm and reasonable as possible for their kids. So it's obnoxiously new-agey in a way that makes all of us cynics gag.…
Anyone else getting the feeling that "conscious uncoupling" involves a lot of competitive calmness and terse emails?
To be fair, this isn't even close to the weirdest kind of shit that happens at Burning Man. I might even stop by the wedding!
It's possible to teach children that sex and the human body aren't shameful, while also teaching them that women's bodies aren't objects whose primary purpose is to give men boners- which is the message that things like Playboy, or this particular GQ cover, teaches.
I'm not sure the cover of a men's magazine is the place where I think my future hypothetical kids will get healthy attitudes about sex. There is an anti-sex objection to these covers, but that doesn't mean that all sexually suggestive material is liberating or healthy.
For a lot of kids the food they receive in school is their primary source of nutrition.
I agree in sentiment, but if you eat just regular meat or chicken it's probably treated pretty terribly as well.
"The bread! White chocolate! Risotto! Pâté! My friend lives out in Normandy on a farm, and she makes her own foie gras. And then the wine. All we did was eat and drink — it was so fun."
That is the multi-camera sitcom of my dreams. We'd call it Not Great, Pete!
Really? Not taking full responsibility? Even when she explicitly discusses how, when she was on death row, the solitude forced her to take full responsibility for her actions?
She's human and she was in a cult. It's not simply that she wasn't thinking clearly, she wasn't thinking for herself at all. And that's exactly what she drives home at the end, when she talks about learning choice at the most horrible cost.
That book was one of the best I've ever read.
you should read Role Models by John waters. He writes about his friendship with Leslie Van Houten, who has completely changed her life.
Honestly, the older I get, the less tolerance I have for that kind of shit. She's not a good friend, she's not someone you need to be around. Cut her out, and make it clear to your mutual friends why you're doing it. If they're smart they'll cut her out too.