
You will be pleased to learn that I didn't get paid at all! This was cross-posted from Jezebel's open forum for employees!

My favorite is, "can you eat that?" Why yes, I can, but I don't want to..

That's interesting, my experience has been the opposite. I only have a few vegan friends, and carnivores (including myself, before I realized I was being a dick) are constantly giving them shit and lecturing/taunting them. But that may be because I don't live in SF or Austin or a hippie wonderland. I guess it just

Co-signed, meat eaters are the absolute worst when it comes to judging other people's diets. I've been a vegetarian for 11 years and my dad STILL will not shut the fuck up about it.

Yes! I am so so so tired of hearing the "all vegans are obnoxious" rant from everyone. Sorry some of you have met a vegan at one time or another who was kinda vocal about it and it kinda annoyed you. In my experience, it is the meat-eaters that are the absolute worst.

Oh my god, YES! I have never lectured, questioned, or given advice to people about their dietary practices (not my business or my expertise) and have only ever discussed my veganism when asked. So why do some meat eaters get so up-in-arms when I say I'm a vegan? Stop talking to me like you're my doctor, stop calling


In all fairness no one should be shitty to someone who admits that they're in recovery. But she has an eating disorder, not all vegan people do. I think her readership is pissed (as I am, a vegan who never read her site) because she doesn't concede that one can be vegan in a healthy manner. I'm reminded of friends of

"P.S. Do not drink a shit ton of red wine and try to ante up the next morning because you want to "start the new year off right" with a hot yoga class because you will feel like you're dying. Take it from me."

If you are going to Bikram for weight loss, you are going for the wrong reasons. When I did Bikram regularly, I ate more healthy, I drank a lot less (I see Hillary has made this mistake of drinking the night before a Bikram class too) and was more active in general. I lost 20 pounds the year that I went to Bikram

I don't think anyone will argue that he is a very good-looking lad. To me he just looks... kind of dumb? He has that tries-to-listen-to-a-seashell-for-way-too-long look.

more like summer is coming... 'cause it's hot in here... amirite

Me too! This is the most interesting thing I've read about mosquitos.

I've fairly recently embraced minimizalism and it was great. I have less clutter, less stuff to clean, and things seem easier. I've also realized that the more items in a room, especially in an enclosed space, the more nervous I feel. I went room by room and asked myself questions like "when was the last time I used

They both like soup. And snow peas. And talking or not talking. They could talk or not talk for hours.

Star: I don't like women with too many muscles...

Damn, Macklin!

I honestly think the number one problem with the Internet is the sheer amount of think-pieces. Nobody needs to hear that many poorly argued defenses of nostalgia

I absolutely LOVE that we are talking about what it means to be transgender and what it means to be inclusive and work together to further the rights of everyone on daytime TV for everyone to see. It is an exciting time to be alive. As short as a decade ago this openness did not exist.

Yes, cows do usually scamper when they have room enough to do so. Very little of this cow's behavior is really atypical (other than the owner allowing her to eat an inappropriate diet.) Cows can bond very strongly with people and other animals...they're intelligent animals with the same emotional capacity as a dog