Johnny Socko

Also, about Sebastian Stan: he does slab of beef extremely well, but he was certainly more than that in First Avenger. His friendship with Cap is the most nuanced of all the relationships in the MCU in First Avenger (possibly with the exception of Thor and Loki in Thor). Pre-transformation, it’s clear that Bucky

Romijn nailed the physicality of Mystique in a way Lawrence never even got near.

Thor: Ragnarok is more FUN than Thor, certainly...but the Branaugh Thor is far closer the comics character than Waititi Thor. Thor’s saga has always been pure Shakespearean political melodrama, and Branaugh did a great job with that aspect of the character.

WAY better.

I think casting Lawrence as Mystique, and making her Xavier’s adopted sibling, was a terrible move that hampered the franchise subsequently. Mystique should be mysterious. The version from the Singer films was better.

If I wanted to express a contrarian, ‘brave’ opinion just to get attention, I’d be...well, you, I guess. Hard pass.

I remember being so excited when Johnston was announced as the director of the Cap movie. Sometimes that kind of “this director seems perfect on paper” stuff ends up being a disappointment, but man, this movie is exactly the Rocketeer sequel I dreamed of.

Fighting against Nazis would sell in Germany. People forget that the first country the Nazis invaded was their own.

Something you didn’t pick up on, Tom, was how Marvel managed to make as true-blue American an icon as Cap an international one … basically by making him a 1960s rebel somehow time-warped into a 1940s B-movie serial.

I still think hiring Johnson was genius, and was the main force behind making the exceptional cast gel into the type of story he was going for.

Captain America really is great at evoking that simpler, more innocent time when everyone could agree that punching Nazis was a Good Thing. Man, remember 2011?


I forgot he did Honey I Shrunk The Kids! I always associate Johnston most with The Rocketeer, which damn well should’ve been a series of movies except for asshole execs tanking the thing. Rocketeer has excellent effects but most importantly a balanced gee-whiz tone that is what really carries the movie, I think that’s

What’s a shame about this adaptation is that the books had some very clear cinematic inspirations. They were basically Miyazaki movies (Nausicaa, and Castle in the Sky particularly), with some early Jean Pierre Jeunet, and Monty Python thrown in.
Jackson and Rivers seem to have gone for something far more generic and

Who do you think the “Mac” is in Fleetwood Mac? 

Keep in mind all these allegations are still just that--> rumours.

He was a founding member of Buckingham Nicks!

My parents went to school with Darius Rucker and report that he was a cool dude.  Welp, that’s all I’ve got for this comment section.

Met him in my breakroom/dressing room at Universal Studios Hollywood. He’d seen the show I was in, and wanted to meet and say Hi to the performers who were in it. I was changing, and someone yelled out for me that someone was here to say Congrats. So I finished dressing and I went out to our little breakroom and there

I like your thinking, but in the comic book, Ramona asks Scott about it on their date and he explicitly says it’s a patch from “Xavier’s School for Gifted Children”.