Johnny Socko

One of the reasons that angry police captain is hall-of-fame level is because he was a real cop. Gil Hill was a Detroit cop they discovered while filming the scenes there. It was all over the Detroit news when it came out. He didn’t try to make a career of acting, just did the three of these.

Just roll the X.

I think it’s:

This show probably would’ve been slightly more popular without the endless parade of reviewers who are so hung up on the title. “What’s Whiskey Cavalier even mean!?!?” Pretty sure the show explains in the first 5 minutes. “Why can’t they just tell us what the plot is and who created it in the title???” Without

Perhaps apocryphally, Einstein is said to have never memorized his own phone number. “Why remember something you can look up,” he’d argue, that your brain shouldn’t be filled with extraneous minutiae. You should keep it clear, focused on more weighty matters.

Original French title: Une nuit au Roxbury

It seriously goes from realism to porn in one cut. I couldn’t believe it.  

At risk of starting a flame war... almost everything is political. Politics is, at its core, nothing more than the economics of power. Any time there’s an interaction between people where there’s any power imbalance, there’s a political aspect to it.

“...the film is a slog of epic proportions, its trancelike repetitiveness threatening to destroy this critic’s fragile grasp on time itself, ushering me into a new plane of starchild boredom.” What a goddamn masterpiece of a sentence. 

‘Blue is the Warmest Color’ showed some true filmmaking craft and empathy. It also made the biggest blunder I can recall in recent memory. The film is a sensual and slow examination of these two women, down to how they eat, flirt, and discover each other. So when it comes time for our main character Adele’s first

I think Robert Redford was a producer of the earlier effort, The Dark Wind, as well as the later three. I hadn’t even been aware that this movie ever existed, and reviews suggest that I didn’t miss much.

I had assumed he was referring to Budgie, the drummer from Siouxsie and the Banshees.

Makes me wonder what he thought of being in that three-pack of TV movies based on Tony Hillerman’s novels and aired on PBS in the earl 2000s. I only saw the first one, and thought... well, that it didn’t live up to the potential of the books or the talent both in front of and behind the camera.

Once you can balance a tack hammer on your head, you will head off your enemies with a balanced attack.

Pronunciation A

Next time: Twenty-five years ago, Hugh Grant charmed (and stammered) his way through Four Weddings And A Funeral.

The bisexuality present in “Spartacus” is complicated for me as a viewer. It’s easy to read Crassus as an example of the Depraved Bisexual villain, and assume the filmmakers are saying lusting after men is bad. I even had that interpretation for a long time.

But in the end, I think we get both sides of it. Crassus

The crediting of Best and Trumbo actually was a pretty risky thing for Douglas to do at the time. It was a big gamble that, had the movie not been as good as it was - damaged his career for a long time.

I saw her onstage in “The Girl from the North Country”, the Dylan “jukebox” musical and she had an AWESOME voice, a real belter, which seemed strange coming from such a diminutive figure.  Her take on “Like a Rolling Stone” was spine-chilling.

Now playing

I’m disappointed they didn’t ask her about Topsy Turvy. I really enjoyed her in that, and it’s a larger role than a lot of the ones mentioned.