Johnny Socko

I remember reading an interview with that guy when this film came out, and the interviewer asked him how close this character was to how he actually ran a department. And he answered (paraphrasing), “The only difference really is that I don’t yell at my guys that hard. Even if someone screws up. These are cops...when

My entire childhood was Art House Theater Day, apparently. That’s because my dad took me along to whatever weird goddamn movie he was going out to see, including Putney Swope. That’s one of those films where I would agree that it is a classic, but I do not know whether I would qualify it as “good”.  (In fairness, it

“Series set in the Dark Crystal universe” — that’s one wishlist item checked-off!

I was so excited for this, but then I saw that Petra is not involved?

Personally, I think it’s heartening that these misunderstood creatures are being successfully relocated from their native habitat on Squornshellous Zeta.

But perhaps the strangest is that it’s a theatrical film, and not the decade-old YouTube comedy sketch that its premise seemingly begs for.

Deadly Class had me at “I want to kill Ronald Reagan”. Not for the violent connotation, but for being a period-accurate reflection on how much that guy was hated in the 80's. I loved how Marcus’ entire origin story hinged on the fact that Reagan ended federal funding for mental hospitals, which effectively sent

I agree, people need to take it easy with the hyperbole regarding the title. The very first time I heard about this show and its title, knowing nothing else about it, I thought “Oh, it’s somebody’s code name”. I just assumed most people in the target audience would think the same thing. But even if not, an intriguing

Yes! This describes the entire problem in a nutshell. It’s not that an explicit sex scene was somehow a bridge too far in that film; in fact, it could and should have been cathartic for at least one of the characters.

Those PBS movies with Studi and Adam Beach disappointingly did not live up to the source material, but the world had been waiting so long for any type of Hillerman adaptation that I was still pretty pleased about it. Then there was an apparently disastrous theatrical film about 10 years ago, which I never bothered to

I still get so angry and disappointed when this happens, which means this is still fucking happening, gaaaahhhhh...

There is something really weird going on in these comments — people are acting like the original was somehow a good movie. But it was not. It so was not.

“book says Gage die ... why Ellie die? Fuck this movie. Me don’t like different.”

Just goes to show you how perceptions differ. My own perception, as a white guy living (then and now) in Los Angeles, was that this was a universally well-reviewed film. It definitely had great word of mouth in town, and people in my circle said “Don’t sleep on this one, even if you don’t like romantic comedies”.

When you gaze long into the hole in the ground, the hole in the ground gazes also into you.”

You are doing the lord’s work for even mentioning this.

Instead of a cash settlement, Amazon should just transfer complete ownership of the films/IP to Allen. I’ll bet he’d go for that, since he seems to think there’s a hungry audience out there waiting to view them. Although this would be the first time in history that a distributor asked to have its name taken off a

It was a perfectly fine review, so I think what they’re saying is that you’re being a dick.

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MASK was fine, but it was no COPS. [Central Organization of Police Specialists]

One often-overlooked detail about this show is that every episode is taped in real time. When they go to commercial breaks, her stuff is still cooking on the stove. So, all of the recipes are legitimately prepared in thirty actual minutes (minus the hours of prep time, lol). None of this swapping to another pan and