Johnny Socko

I’ve been neck deep in nerd culture my whole life, and frankly I’m kind of sick of us.

The nerds you know wouldn’t do that stuff out in the light of day.

Yeah, no... nerd culture has become incredibly rife with toxic masculinity, men’s rights messaging, and abusive behavior to any woman who tries to present herself as simply a person who shouldn’t be mistreated or harassed.

It was a fun enough way to get students used to the university format and how to prepare for and write an exam without having any major stakes. The first couple of weeks are something like 70% extracurricular welcome-to-uni activities so if spending time on things not related to their subject was a problem there’s a

I would have loved to have heard more about ‘The Bride’. It’s like watching two different movies. There’s this really emotional one with Brown and Rappaport. Then you have this dud with Sting and Beals having zero chemistry together.

Why the hell is Bad Boys never on TV? Nobody has a clue what I’m talking about when I say I’ll defend myself with a pillowcase full of soda cans

The question I have is: Is this the first time the phrase “You gotta be fucking kidding me” was used as a response to something otherworldly in a film? That alone ought to make this movie canon.

Always happy to hear Cast a Deadly Spell get props. Scream Factory or somebody needs to put that out on blu. And I heartily recommend The Burrowers to fans of well done horror.

I will do shit for money. But I’m not gonna do shit for no money. I’ll do quality for no money.

I love whenever anyone posts something positive about this movie, I love it so much. Does it have problems? Sure. But I feel like the flow, aesthetics, and oddly romantic mood of the whole thing overcome whatever acting/pacing issues it totally has.

Nobody’s mentioned the Torchy’s dancer either. Nice showcase for Marine Jahan, better (un)known for doubling Jennifer Beals in FLASHDANCE.

I think the first sequel had parts that worked. But yeah it probably shouldn’t have existed. And the third definitely shouldn’t have. I only remember one joke landing for me, Michael Caine saying “There’s only two things I hate in this world. People who are intolerant of other people’s cultures and the Dutch.”

The odds of anyone else recalling it are slim, but I really like the opening credits of the Wing Commander film from 1999. They do a great job of setting the stage with starcharts, spacefaring history and even audio from early Kilrathi contact. It’s kind of like a darker version of the credits to Star Trek Enterprise,

This is somewhat related to the question, but I have noticed some shows—Mr. Robot, Legion, and probably some others I can’t quite remember—just dropping the credits into the opening scene in inventive ways. I’m generally in favor of this mini-trend; I mean, I love the intro credit sequence for Westworld, but it

Shit! I totally forgot Speed! (Whose opening credits, for some reason, aren’t on Youtube)

The first Ghost in the Shell anime.

Now playing

The obvious answer is “Anything by Saul Bass”, but I couldn’t decide between North By Northwest and Casino. So instead, I’ll go with Catch Me If You Can’s loving salute to the man himself.

Deadpool - sets the perfect tone for the movie right away.

Watchmen’s opening credits are basically the only unambiguously good part of the movie.

And I’ve always loved Lord of War’s journey of a bullet from creation to murdering a kid.