Johnny Socko

Loaded Weapon 1

Kinda wish they’d hit “Loaded Weapon 1.” It’s such a weird little film and he carries so much of it.

Newborns have that quality where they still feel far more connected to whatever comes before and after us than to this place. This feeling diminished greatly with my second kid, but with my first, it felt like constant vigilance was required just to keep her anchored and not float off back into the ether.

My favorite Elvis Costello story is from years ago (please don’t hate on me for all the name dropping that’s about to happen).

Since I know a lot of readers enjoy the behind-the-scenes moments, here’s how this interview went down:

I know I’m super late on this (had to wait for season 4 to land on Netflix) but as someone who has watched the show since day 1......goddamn, what a gut punch. Can’t remember the last time a show pulled off such an amazing and heartbreaking episode.

“They got the universal shitstain-in-the-oval-office playbook and they’re running it step by step.”

It’s like a Five Nights at Freddy’s game if your goal was to protect the animatronics.

that is the main heading of my eharmony profile.

The whole Winnebago scene may have been one of the best executed action sequences ever put to film.

They’re all good, except for those sanctimonious bastards in Harper Valley. Those guys are the worst.

Telltale’s: Salacious Crumb “Unleashed”

i want what the original star wars battlefront 2 was, on my xbox one with upgraded graphics. drop these stupid star cards, let me choose my load out and use whatever i want from it when i want from it. let me pick up someone’s weapon after they die and use it until i die.

i want to invest in a character. i dont want

The original Xbox-era Battlefront games let you do a lot of that. In some missions, you could hop into a fighter of your choice, fly it to the enemy’s flagship and either destroy critical systems from the outside, or board the ship & sabotage it from within. You could even pilot a troop transport, load it up with AI

Seriously, it’s Star Wars. Owned by Disney. Published by EA. You fuckers have enough money already.

first-person problems

If the most downvoted comment ever has to do with paying for game content, the world must be in pretty great shape!

Once Esmail started directing every episode I’ve wondered if he would try something like this but thought it would be one continuous take between commercial breaks.

Knees a guy wearing a motorcycle helmet in the face while said guy is still riding the motorcycle at speed.

Haywire is a shit ton of fun. The showcase fights are all great but what sticks out is when Carano is on the run and just lays into one of the SWAT guys after her, I remember wincing in the theater — nothing seemed to be feigned about how hard she busted him and how quick he went down.