Johnny Socko

I’ll stand by his Riddick films anyday though.

The Last Stand is easily the best movie Ah-Nuhld has done post governorship, it plays a lot like a throwback to the type of movies he was doing back in the 80's and is even better than a bunch of them. It’s easily one of the worst films Woon has ever done, but it’s easily one of Arnold’s best movies in a long long

That A-TEAM remake is fucking great, up there with MAN FROM UNCLE in the “How is this movie actually good” awards.

I’m so glad you’ve placed a spotlight on this movie. I feel like it’s one of those largely forgotten movies that NO ONE I know has seen. I haven’t seen it in too many years but I remember loving how it builds. And how intense it gets. And that devastating ending.

I agree that it would be for the right sort of viewer (and most rom-com fans would probably not be), but I enjoyed it thoroughly having been briefed only that it “ended very dark”.

I get that nuclear war talk has increased with NK and Trump, but having grown up during the peak years and decline of The Cold War, I’m just not feeling that tension. It was palpable as a kid and this just doesn’t feel the same.

Can’t watch the video right now, but I assumed the unusual visuals were to keep us off-balance. We’re seeing that world through Elliot’s eyes, and odd framing choices serve to keep us in something like his unsettled frame of mind.

It also simply keeps you slightly off-balance, feeling something is strange.

Maybe like with Bear on Person of Interest, the Defenders could share Lockjaw!

Well, in fairness, it is an archaic and illogical institution....but that’s true of a lot of shit. It’s what you make of it.

My kid calls me by my first name. This was by my choice, since when I married his mom, I gained a step daughter, and she’d always called me by my first name, and it didn’t seem to 1) change that or 2) have the two kids call me different things.

It at least has the saving grace of being set up as intentionally wrong in these movies. It’s more sinister counterpart is the “men and women can’t be friends” mantra, which rom-coms will let go of only when it’s torn from their cold, dead hands.

That whole story explains a ton about the film. She is a force of nature in that film, and I can’t imagine what she was going through while making it.

To put it in terms of an AV Club Hall of Famer: “GOD NEESON DELIVERING OWNAGE”

Counterpoint — shooting the bad guy’s wife is awesome, it is the only time the movie fully leans into Neeson being a person with no fucks to give. Everyone else in the movie deserves quick death to the point of boredom and as Tom notes, there’s no one with the charisma to make you want them dead. Here, Neeson is

Your argument here is that, as per the allegations, locking someone in a room and making them watch you masturbate is...fine? Dude, feel free to downgrade the allegations to harassment - really shitty, unpleasant harassment - if that suits you better, but is that really something you think is OK?

Starred and de-starred. You know, downvoted.

Well at least the cross-contamination of Kinja with CancerAids worked 100%.

Whenever she started saying stuff I disagree with? OK, it’s not a perfect system.

It's a kind of ZOMBIE MOTHERFUCKER for the emoji age.