Johnny Socko

But the Beast did not imprison Belle because she was a beautiful woman that he coveted; he did it because her father trespassed on the Beast's castle, the punishment for which was house-arrest, and she offered to take her father's place. The rest of the story is Belle making the Beast realize the severity of his

I agree with you and Sarah Mas. Personally, I thought Princess and the Frog was the best Disney musical since Beauty and the Beast, it just blew me away when I saw it. But Mulan is strong, primarily because the title character is strong.

I meant the ending in the book, but you're right. I guess it seemed like whiplash to me when the hapless protagonist Barlow suddenly became a casual murderer at the end. The circumstances were nastily misogynist, but I gave it a pass because the book was a takedown of Hollywood, and I had no problem believing that

Bicentennial Man, of all things, covered much the same ground. It was not at all the wacky "Robin Williams is a robot!" comedy that it was marketed as.

Shame about that movie because dammit, the book on which Millennium was based was really interesting!

The book was better, but man, that ending was savage.

At least Nickelback treats its employees fairly (in this analogy)!

The cars are coming from inside the house!

There was an actual news item in 2000 that the George W. Bush transition team discovered that Clinton staffers had jokingly removed the "W" from certain keyboards in the White House.

*Kyle Gass and Jack Black show up out of nowhere*

Abbie Cornish is a good and charismatic actress who absolutely deserves to be in better stuff than this and Sucker Punch. Sigh.

Yep, the Geo Storm was a rebadged Isuzu Impulse. Fun car in its time.

Upvoted for Zulu, which is just amazingly good, and stands out even today. Those who find the racial overtones disquieting can pair it with the prequel Zulu Dawn, which featured a like number of white people getting slaughtered.

Fuck yeah, Swedish Fish. Your move, Vishnu!

Dave regarding NBC:

He couldn't have been that humiliated, since he based an entire pre-filmed segment around that scene when he hosted the Oscars.

Based on the back story in the review, it should be Louis Cypher screwing with him.

I've always had a rejoinder to that, and have thought about putting it on a bumper sticker:

Now I'm wondering what kind of song Audition would have had…

But he taught dirtside how to act!