That's crazy, I would not have known that. FWIW, the voice did sound younger than Little to me.
That's crazy, I would not have known that. FWIW, the voice did sound younger than Little to me.
There was nothing else quite like Repo Man, so naturally I wracked my brain to see what might come close. The nearest analogue is probably Get Crazy, which brought the same kind of randomness, but with a Rock (as opposed to Punk) sensibility.
I grew up when they were in reruns, but society made it very clear to me that Addams Family was on a whole other intellectual level than Munsters.
It is a slow build, but I happen to like all of the expository stuff that happens along the way. I'm sure you have enough context now as a viewer to appreciate the film (or not) based on its merits.
It's Empire of the Sun for me, but I upvoted you out of principle. Also, E.T. is abhorrent treacle.
In defense of Hollywood Babble-On, it is not a review show, it's just a rundown on celebrity and pop culture. Basically, it's TMZ fueled by weed & booze (OK, more weed & booze). Smith and Garman are quite clear in highlighting the irony that it is a show in which they mock people who are far more talented and…
I think filmmakers should just use both techniques in ways that play to the strengths of each. Having said that, practical effects are somehow more gratifying to me. It is a shame that poor transfers have colored generations of people's opinions of the effects from the late 70's to the CG era.
I've said it before: Horrible video transfers give people the impression that VFX from this era were bad. This is one that I saw in the theater, and I can attest to the spectacular quality of the VFX in the release print.
That you, Donald?
Ah, crap…so this is not about Pez People, the band from the film The Big Picture, featuring Michael McKean on vocals/guitar.
Let's not forget the tagline: "Half man, half ant, all terror!"
Oh, come on! It says "Mostly harmless" right there in the Guide!
Agreed — I watched the first few episodes after it debuted, but I gave up on it. It's not necessarily that the show isn't funny, it's that Jerrod Carmichael is the opposite of charismatic. It's like even with all those talented people on the set, the energy still somehow gets sucked out of the room by the lead.
Good for him. Life's for the living!
I still say "I was wrong" like Fonzie. It just now occurred to me that people who do not get the reference must think I'm a total dick.
You really don't want to hear the one I came up with for Encyclopedia Brown.
Shawn Colvin was really cool about it, but at that moment I came up with a David Niven-esque retort that I would have used if I had been in her position: After ODB leaves the stage, turn back to the crowd, shrug, and say, "He's not old!"
My favorite Oscar moment is also a Steve Martin moment. One year when he was not hosting, he was the presenter of the Oscar for Achievement in Film Editing. His intro:
Frosty and Peaches sure like visiting when my 6-year-old daughter plays. Maybe they have taste…
IIRC, Jabba was played by a fat man wearing a kind of furry vest. The character was originally human in the script (and therefore appeared as such in the comic book and novelization). When the scene ended up being cut, it gave Lucas the chance to re-imagine the character in the more intimidating form that we know.