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He deserves a second chance guys. NFL is known for giving second chances, think of Michael Vick, Adrian Peterson, Colin Kae...::checks earpiece:: ...Ezekiel Elliott...

After being down by 17 in the 3rd quarter the Celtics finally saw what Brown could do for them, thank you again Brooklyn!

I mean why does that matter? You don’t extra credit for spending less money.

I went through Watson’s college stats yesterday. 10,400 yards and 97 TDs in 30 games his two full seasons as a starter. 28-2 in those 30 games, one runner up and one national title.

In laws are from Boston, they are SUPER racist. So while 100% might not be accurate, fuck ‘em we’ll just keep making these jokes forever.

Sounds like the other guy didn’t have a problem keeping it at 1 run. Maybe be more like him?

Yeah shows like Mindhunter and Stranger Things are garbage content. Good thing you cancelled.


The Vikings fans do not skew blue, though.

According to a Twitter bot called Scorigami that “[t]rack[s] the chances that NFL games finish with a score that’s never happened before”, this is the first game that’s ended in a 41-39 score.

Jesus are you in a 4 team league?

Sandoval has found much more success at his 37 plate appearances at Golden Corral.

Well, if the trainer actually pushed him to hit his weight goal, he’d be batting 400 right now.

I’ve been reading The Root and the comment sections of many of the posts for far longer than I’ve been commenting. If you don’t recognize what I’m referring to in a more general sense, it’s due to either you willfully ignoring it, or your approbation of it. Neither of those sit very well with me, but then, you are not

Personal opinion, obviously, but this is the side of “fandom” I honestly can’t stand...like the people who kept screaming about Barb being the absolute best thing about Stranger Things.

Much like the aforementioned Barb, there is no character here. Just a single picture, a few voice lines, and a whooooooooooole lot of

But the thing is what do you specifically resent about this article?


Why “supposed” ?

This whole thread has been great, and I almost finished from your first sentence. But you calling him “kiddo” was the cherry on top. Fuck, this is some good ass kinja.

If butter makes one bulletproof then you can call me Gary Busey, butthorn.