Please Send Help

I'm sick of good games being marred by bugs and issues which do not get addressed.

And here comes the master-race PC gamers. "PC GAMEZ R DA BEZT! CONSOLE GAMEZ SUX!"

I have more faith in Microsoft making things work than Sony in the OS front and the network front. I got a PS4 just because it was simply better at rendering games, but I can't stand PSN or PS4's shitty UI. And remote gaming for the PS4 is locked to Sony Xperias and Vita only. But Xbox One streaming games to any Win

is the ESPN300 a gangbang?

An earlier version of the tweet had the recruit attending Texas A2M.

I take it from your rage hard-on and nonstop commenting on this poll that you have been waiting your entire life to share your opinions about shitty snacks. TODAY IS YOUR DAY.

Dalton was actually the 8th alternate but Jon Ryan is playing in the Super Bowl, too.

There are countless rumors from basically everyone who's ever partied with Jones in the last few years that he is a huge and regular coke user. So the deleted tweet is funny and relevant because it indicates there's a decent chance that after this interview (or the day before, I don't know when exactly it was filmed)

You guys are losing your touch. It took 5 whole minutes before a Penn St. apologist came here screaming "HE REPORTED IT TO THE AUTHORITIES!"

At the very least, Kobe — awful shooting numbers notwithstanding— is still an effective player when he's sharing the ball, and in San Antonio, Old Man Riverboat is averaging 15/10 at the ripe age of 38. It's good to see them have some juice in the tank in their twilight seasons, whatever is left, without some

She's Mormon. Funerals are the most fun they're allowed to have.

Is that a coffin or a styrofoam cooler? Because it looks like a styrofoam cooler.

Also, to add one more thing to the list re: adequately collecting adequate kitchen supplies, as a chef my standby for home supplies for years and a great little "lifehack" (although I fucking abhor that word with the fury of ten thousand post taco-bell digestive tracts) is to absolutely find your nearest restaurant

I'm in my mid-40s, divorced for three years. I have two teenage sons who are athletes and are hungry and who live with me 50% of the time. When I bought my house I was thrown into the fire so to speak—I had to learn to cook much better, more frequently and more nutritiously than I ever had before. And I did. There

I put myself on a weekday fast food ban not long ago, and the biggest secret I can share is "Simple, filling, fresh." I go to Safeway every Sunday and pick up a pack of sirloin pork chops (much richer flavor than center-cut, if a bit tougher, and oh by the way $2.50 a pound less), a pack of stadium brats (perfect for

Nicely done, Garrett.

What kind of non-white trash Mexican place serves "queso dip"?