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According to the lawsuit, Winston didn’t appear to be especially drunk, but he did seem angry and hungry:

Oof, I hadn’t considered them having Scott’s daughter turn to dust. That would be pretty heavy stuff, even if only temporary.

The Undertaker almost killing Aiden English, Lashley and Cass clusterfuck suplex/“brainbuster”, Scott Dawson eliminating himself, the ringside crowd milling around or just not even facing the ring for most of the event. It was a strange and really kind of awful show filled with botches and tired looking performers,

As a Laker fan, I’m pretty bummed about how much i enjoy Jaylen Brown.

Now THERE’s a haircut you could set your watch to.

Cesar Izturis. Now THERE was a guy.

Will always star a Preacher reference, thx

I cannot stop laughing at this headline/photo combo.

+495 dollhairs

Y tho

Y tho

Hollywood Hogan driving a semi truck into an ambulance that had the Rock in it would also fit in here. A little north of Attitude era proper, but still pretty batshit.

Every week I tell myself not to eat lunch while reading these. BAM, huge turd story right from the jump. I have no one to blame but myself.

Halloween Dream is excellent. Uncontrollable is growing on me a ton.

Love this band. I just got tix for Oathbreaker/King Woman/Khemmis next month, soooo stoked for that. Their old Doubt EP was on repeat here for a long time.

Hmm... maybe the cross symbolism still works if you picture the the tip of the spear emerging slightly from the other side of his body.

Man, I don’t know why I insist on reading Funbags during lunch. Between the kid food thing and the coffeemaker shit, I may not eat for the rest of the week.

Oh man, I laughed at this for a solid ten to fifteen seconds. This really should be the punishment.

Nah, get it! This Arcade is built for new players, I think. Mystery Heroes especially. The stakes are really low there and its a good way to learn the roster. It’s a ton of fun, especially with a friend or two, or better yet a full stack if you can get it together.

This one’s my favorite, thanks for sharing. Reminds me a lot of another one from past years, I think it was about a photographer who had to take pictures of an abandoned house and found all manner of creepy shit inside.