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He wasn’t really good, but I always thought Boof Bonser had a pretty solid name. Let’s throw Kyle Farnsworth in there too.

Holy shit, I completely forgot Joe Crede existed. Now there’s a Baseball Guy.

Christ, I need to stop reading these while eating lunch at work. There’s always some nauseating food-related story tucked in there and I’m too big of a baby to just skip past it and read it later.

Yes! Honestly, this should be the brawl every other week, or just a permanent brawl alongside another one that rotates.

It’s not just about Bethesda games though, as this could potentially set a precedent for any other games that propose making mods available for their console versions. MS/Xbox have demonstrated willingness to allow it with the first high profile case, and Sony has declined to while also failing to provide transparency

Nice setup there.

Something tells me JaGoff would have been a better fit in Pennsylvania.

Awarding bonus points for the Cordero double feature.

Hmm, I don’t know. Seems pretty nermal to me.

In a game mode marked COMPETITIVE, yes, it’s my opinion that it is wrong for people to make a unilateral choice to lose or throw their part in the game when other players’ rankings are at stake. Competition, by it’s very nature, means that someone has to lose. Thanks for noting that.

Maybe an individual’s goal is to at least be in the 20s somewhere, or to improve a few levels every day. Goals and benchmarks for improvement, as Hanjo has proven here, are subjective. Having that possibility taken away by him or anyone else going in with the stated goal of failure doesn’t seem very sportsmanlike.

By this logic then, Hanjo here can have the exact same experience in Quick Play, unless he counts purposeful sabotage of other players as a “victory”.

Fair enough, although I would absolutely argue against the position that it’s unlikely you could lose because of just one person. As an extreme example, if someone chose Lucio in Competitive (thus locking and preventing anyone else on the team from picking him due to one hero limit), then decided to afk, or repeat

I’ve been there, unfortunately. Went on a bad losing streak one day, lost something like twelve levels. Got them all back a couple days later by playing nothing but Soldier. My advice would be to pick your best DPS hero and stick with them through the climb, even if you have to insta-lock. You can carry at those lower

I don’t even know where to begin unpacking this comically ignorant comment.

There’s a mode called Quick Play that has the same heroes, maps, and game types, and comes with the added bonus of not dicking over people who take the competition in Competitive seriously. Go have fun over there, I’m sure there’s plenty of folks who’d be enjoying some leisurely Overwatch right along with you. You are

This is how I watched most of it, through the Xbox One app. Anything that hadnt been spoiled accidentally was free to watch via a complete replay, commercials skippable and all. Watched quite a bit of stuff from beginning to end.

Yung Magary