Please Send Help

I admire the fortitude of anyone who made it more than five minutes into this podcast. Glazer is an irritating, insufferable, blustery prick who is outright painful to listen to.

I like the sound of this. A little bit of citrus vastly improves otherwise boring food and/or drink.

What is this one from? Thats a quality statue.

These dudes shred so hard. The Live at Roadburn album has a way heavy version of Gemini.


I hereby award this COTY from beyond the grave.

This one snuck up on me. Well played.

Personally hoping we’re creeping towards a revelation that teams were directly leaking information about which players were going to start or be featured heavily in gameplans. Unlikely, since I’m sure coaches and organizations still want to start their best players and win games, but a man can dream.

Simultaneous burn on Floyd’s fighting style and online Balrog players.

Underrated choice, this. That whole reveal at the end is just fantastic. There is no light in that movie at all.

Still laughing at this. Well done.

As a Dodger fan, I’m pretty bummed that this is basically Manning/Brady at this point.

It’s a lot easier to listen to a podcast at work low key than it is to read an article or watch a video. For things like mindless data entry, it helps the medicine go down.

The Road Ripper! That thing got some serious speed with a full ripcord.

Paycen? Fucking PAYCEN? Good god, man.

Pro-tip on the 2 liters; squeeze all the soda to the top of the bottle before you put the cap on. It’ll stay carbonated for weeks.

The final line really made this.

Yeah, that’s the one. I havent been there since around 2008, but I just realized they had both Burger King AND Subway there. I think there was a little head shop in the corner as well. Very convenient.

Lucy’s got rid of the Burger King?

To anyone considering watching this show, stick with it through the end. It's worth the investment.