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Great post, Yannick. Not only because I laughed out loud a few times, but because what's described here is practically a mirror image of my own experiences with LoL a few weeks in.

Should've double dipped with Healer here. Great album. Check out Floor too, guys!

Yessir. The s/t is top shelf.

The only "EDM" thats tolerable, really.

This one snuck up on me. Well played.

What's yr take on Cassavetes, Barry?

Looks pretty damn good to me. Thanks for reposting!

What is the loadout you ended up with here?

I play with a group of five or six friends a few times a week. Maybe a mission or two here and there, but it's mostly just locking on to some activity one of us stumbled upon, and screwing with the AI for a few hours. Examples:

Off the subject, but I'm still bummed you can't romance Sera as a male Inquisitor. :(

People who want to play console exclusives if their main viewing device is occupied.

As someone with no real horse in the race, these are the reasons that Xbox was the choice this generation. Lower graphics quality is a fair trade off for better infrastructure and UI/OS usability.

Thanks for the info. I looked it up and it's actually two blocks from my mechanic, who I have an appointment with next week, so I'll check it out.

I'd imagine you're being "bombarded" with ads because one show is returning this week, and the other is debuting.

For those in the Los Angeles area, there is one of these right across from the Golden Road brewery (which should be your first stop, of course).

Still laughing at this comment a full five minutes later.

Just glancing over this, it feels like there are a ton more AFC players than NFC.

Morrigan being in the game isn't exactly a spoiler, but that image is not something I was hoping to see when scrolling down the main page since I'm not quite there yet. Yeah, the game's been out for a full month at this point, but it's incredibly long, especially when you have to grapple with the Keep to get the right

Still reeling from the revelation that Samer is actually Bill Simmons.

There's a Canadian fighter in Street Fighter II?