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Dragon Age dumping out of the tips/lore loading screen for a black one that's five times as long is INFURIATING. Especially so when it's actually a useful bit of tutorial info that may have been explained in a manual if video games still came with those.

What the actual fuck is happening in that ad coupled with the Goatsnake video?

Please bring the Virgilbag back.

I have no horse in the console race, but I have to say it's ridiculous that neither system came with DLNA streaming right out of the box. Many of us obviously kept last gen consoles, so it was possible to keep those hooked up for streaming, but it sort of defeats the purpose of having an all-in-one media center (which

Barry had better be yolked if he wants to crack a major league rotation.

LeBron should really be trying to pass the buck here, since it's unlikely he'd get it back.

This is, far and away, the biggest problem with this game at the moment, and it seems to be directly related to lag compensation and lack of dedicated servers, at least for the Xbone. My own home internet through Time Warner, which just added 300Mbps/down (around 20Mbps/up) in the Los Angeles area, is being dragged