I donated that jacket years ago.
I donated that jacket years ago.
See, it is a positive that I have no friends.
“Funny — no one cared when he was on the Steelers!”
Exactly. A quick slap to the back of the head achieves the desired effect. No need to stomp him man.
Tonic has calories, bitch! This is a vodka soda, if you were using the shittiest grade vodka. It’s great for the beach!
This is what happens when the inmates run the jail.
Eh, just through a fistful of fries in your glass of wooder and you’re Pittsburgh-adjacent.
My initial read was “whoa shit just got real”
Uh, nothing should grow in it if you change your sheets every week dude.
But they still make scratchers!
I mean, we would all kiss titties though...
Saw the Who a few days before John Enwistle ODed in Vegas. Great show.
Wait -- are The Specials back? How did I miss this?
Yeah, I was into 70/80s rock as a teen/20 something, exactly when that shit was not popular. I saw Iggy Pop in a place that held 100 people and it was amazing.
Yeah, I pick up shit around my apartment when I am coming back from a run. There’s a trash can there and I won’t have to see it later. I find this better than seeing the same crap for days and wondering why no one cares about their neighborhood. It’s really for me.
Great writing on a great subject. Thank you.
Fucking up a tank is like what I expect from this team.
He also has a 5 year fully guaranteed contract, so... he’s doing fine.
Think about it, have you ever actually had fun watching a Dolphins game?