ay mamacita

Fucking disgusting.

Can’t believe I had to scroll this far down in the comments to see this.

Toot sweet:

Your boy is a narcissist *and* a chronic victim. Troll better.

Got coke? (Yes, that is Jeffrey Epstein to his left.)

He is the one person on earth whose death I will celebrate.

I’d vote for Ric Flair.

Facebook would be my guess.

Farfalle for sure for the pictured dish. Rigatoni is my favorite vehicle for a good Bolognese though.

I miss them so much.

Not just bleach apparently.

The fact that most of these types of people are afraid to show their faces while screaming “FReEdOM!!@ demonstrates that there’s shame and self-loathing going on. As well there should be.

Definitely Dickensian.

White person here. Few will notice your absence, some may even rejoice.

This, this, a thousand times this.

Fucking idiots.