Holy shit I just saw that a week or two ago. Fucking disgusting.
Holy shit I just saw that a week or two ago. Fucking disgusting.
Ugh, how awful and I can’t believe how scary this must be.
Careful what you wish for buddy, should the rule of law erode that bat’s gonna prove as tiny and ineffectual as your dick.
I went ahead and Googled, and it’s indeed a thing.
Came here for this!
Leaving an extra virtual star for your current display name - well-crafted.
She remains the poster child for “feckless,” however.
Panic! At the Costco
Gah, these are the same folks who think The Rapture™ is a thing, so.
... Passover 2020, a conference that promised Christians supernatural protection from the coronavirus ...
Ha! You beat me to it!
I’m leaning toward booze as an explanation myself *but* I have a friend who’s bi-polar and also has obsessive-compulsive tendencies (mostly compulsive, omg the rituals) who I could absolutely see doing something like this.
I’ve been waiting to hear this. IIRC, during the SARS outbreak, residents of a Hong Kong apartment complex were infected due to faulty bathroom exhaust fans (diarrhea was a symptom in something like 10-20% of those infected).
I was lucky, working as a veterinary surgical tech pretty much cured me of all nail-biting and most face touching in one fell swoop. Having said that, this is a difficult time every year for me here in the Northeast as I get moderate to severe springtime allergies and need to remain mindful to avoid inadvertent eye…
Pretty sure self-loathing beats the shit out of Mystery every day.
So, a PUA? Nice. Thanks for doing the Googlin’.
The volunteer had his first and last name reversed, so they would have been looking at the wrong page. Troll better.
This is the one person on the planet whose death I plan to celebrate with a huge rager. I literally hate that piece of shit.