
They will only allow asylum if it is from the socialism of northern Europe...

This is why 55% of Republican voters are “OK” with the policy. Because there is an entire propaganda infrastructure (Faux News on TV, Hannity/Limbaugh/Beck radio, Breitshart etc. online devoted to easing any cognitive dissonance or moral squeamishness that naturally arises in their encounters with the real world and

“Each day that passes, I wonder more and more if we can return to a civil society.”

Medicare for all exists alongside the traditional employer-based health insurance that most people get. Single payer would end employer based health insurance entirely (which is a good thing) but will also be noticed by most people, because there will still be bureaucracy (networks, procedures and drugs that are

Medicare-for-all is both achievable and damn near unassailable on the campaign trail, because it forces the opponents to make long, boring technical points to refute it, and they will be talking about a program that most Americans have direct experience with - so the more they try to stretch the truth in the attack,

“Congrats to the Democratic Party for ceding the moral authority to make corruption a campaign issue”


Yes, GOP and right-leaning “independents” were all ready to vote for a politician with a “D” next to his name, but sadly found they couldn’t because he’s just so corrupt. Most of them will

“Sidney Bouvier Gilstrap-Portley” sounds like a name Archer would make up for his cover story

Here’s how it works: Is there something you like, or is going well for you? Then you did it entirely on your own, not only without any help, but WITH the drag of moochers (brown people, natch) keeping you from even greater heights.

Is there something you hate, or not going well for you? Then it was caused by scheming

How ... how ... how is there not blood pouring out of that? How is he not being rushed to a hospital for emergency reconstructive surgery? There’s got to be severe muscle damage there, right? Liken not-ever-going-to-be-able-to-lift-an-eyebrow-like-the-Rock kind of damage, right?

All of the stars for you. Fox viewers will ogle and slobber over the hawt ladies her spew the hate, but in the end, they want the hate (well, the contorted reasoning/outright lying that makes them not be ashamed of the hate). They don’t really care which hawt lady is spewing it, and they definitely aren’t interested

Delete your comment, lest somebody from Walmart sees it. Things are bad enough as it is.

And this is diffeerent from “I promise that massive tax cuts for the wealthy will actually make tax revenues increase!” how, exactly? At least a crappily designed social welfare programs give some benefit to those that need it. Even the much-maligned ACA was the most effective anti-poverty program rolled out since the

“Distorted incentives” ha ha ha ha! We have a current system that has allowed the owners to steal the productivity gains of works for nearly 40 years now, which isn’t a distortion, somehow? So, fuck you.

The laziest people in any company are in the C-suites. Chop off 50% of upper management in any random company that

Oh, definitely, the third year econ students with their “let us men ‘splain economics, bro” takes are generally best skipped over. (Just the idea of econ as a science that has made consistently accurate predictions is itself a joke...) Full employment bills don’t literally mean every single 18-65 year old would be

That year the GOP nom was Bush’s to lose from day one. The entire party establishment and the grassroots (i.e the evangelicals) where firmly behind him) There was no talk in the national press that McCain was more “electable” as much as excitement from certain quarters of the columnist intelligentsia that McCain

One of the things that is always funny reading these comments (outside of the how many of the punters around here CLEARLY KNEW WITHOUT A DOUBT that Trump was the hillary-slayer when, a week before the election their grudge was that, while they knew Hillary would win, she wouldn’t win nearly as bigly as Bernie woulda,

Nope. Bush was the governor of Texas, and had managed to keep the evangelicals (at the time the group that generally said/pushed candidates to do things that he general public recoiled from) under control. He was a huge and legit threat, no one was laughing him off. He wasn’t seen as a doofus until well into the

The schools without direct involvement in moving the money (like KU) will likely invoke the Cam Newton defense, and be allowed to squirm away. Those who have coaches already indicted (Arizona, Oklahoma State) or mentioned in the indictments (NC State) will be where the the NCAA will drop the hammer so they can look

Conservative ideology is about about providing rationale for being a selfish, self-centered asshole, and justify lifting the ladder up behind you. Any educational system that promotes decency and empathy is therefore “liberal” because it doesn’t help justify/excuse/whitewash their horribleness.

What they hope to do to

Beyond the “every accusation a confession” that gets proven every time a conservative starts typing on the internet, there is the weird one-way street of all of the demands for liberals to “open their minds” to conservative thinking. Nobody on the left-liberal side of the divide is demanding that NR hire HamNo so as