
Those old people were always conservative, but not crazy before Faux News. There was a ceiling on it, because the real world authority/gatekeepers uniformly rejected the crazy. It wasn’t reflected back on them yet, so it was more of a background hum, easy to overcome.

But starting with Rush, and then perfected with

I think that they’d prefer the old-fashioned way, where everything was implicit - y’know, “people just knew” how things were supposed to work. Doing it explicitly was, at least until recently, seen as gauche. But they’ve adapted well. And with Faux News screaming every night that if their viewers don’t man the

Well, the key thing here is whether or not Congress wants to intervene. And considering that the executive actions of the Trump administration in nearly every area is actually what they would prefer, policy wise, why would they? Trump is doing the dirty work, they can shrug their shoulders when they go home and act

No, and I grow tired of people saying this. The Democrats had full power - majority in the House and filibuster-proof 60 votes in the Senate - for approximately 3 months in 2009.

In the time before full-blown insanity of the GOP, you could always find a handful of GOP senators who would cross party lines to invoke

I don’t care what size the company is, or whatever ‘hardscrabble’ origin stories the owners tell about themselves (no, they weren’t maxing out credit card debt to open up hardware stores...) Banks don’t loan them money because they can see the grit and determination in their eye, banks loan money on a sound business

So, people who are already rich (and thus have enopugh spare money lying around to put ‘at risk’ in the first place), then use the inequality and power disparity that capital has over labor to sign laborers to contracts that favor the owners, DESERVE to reap the difference of the productivity gains provided by workers

And I am sure that the individual workers that made this business the success that it is will be truly and generously rewarded for the ‘making’ they did that made this ‘taking’ even possible.

Bonuses and raises for the people who actually produced the value is how capitalism works, always and every time, according to

Here’s what always gets me about this kind of stuff. At some point, somebody on the Kushner payroll had to sit at his desk (and let’s not kid ourselves, it was a guy. A white guy, at that.) and conceive of an actual plan to be an evil, scheming asshole. He had to actually put into words something along the lines of,

You mention your experience as being in the 80s. So is that really the case now? My nephew is a vet of our most recent war of choice, Army from 2005 - 2009. Ultimately ruled 90% disability due to PTSD. That took about a year and a half from discharge - he got out with 50% as his ruling. He still has monthly

So, is Memphis like one of those youth hockey leagues that is technically a professional organization but in reality the parents are paying for their kids to play? Because I’m having trouble coming up for any other explanation as to why Wayne Selden is playing.

Hmm, the article needs to be edited and republished. It doesn’t make clear that all of this is the fault of Schumer, Pelosi and the DNC for not protesting about it properly.

Wait, you mean the people who spun up Benghazi, Benghazi! BENGHAZI! and turned internal departmental email server management practice disputes into multi-year, multi-commission sagas couldn’t find anything to do here?

Sounds like they Didn’t. Even. Try.

Also, how does one get out of the feckin’ grays?

Yes, run, Jeff Flake! Because what the GOP is clamoring for is somebody who says Trump is unacceptable (alienating the base) while actually voting with him on everything but the minor stuff (repulsing the moderates and doctronairre conservatives). That leaves you with...who, exactly, supporting you?

When pay raises are discussed, all that “valuable member of the team” and “our success is due to you” goes out the window and you find out you are just a taker to your boss’ maker.

Because after all, it was the CEO’s bold vision and leadership that made the success possible - without my mastery of the details and

Every single community bank, credit union and big but-not-yet-behemoth bank has lined up in favor of this bill, and made it known there will be making noise about it in their communities. So even though the threshold for escaping heavy oversight is too high, this bill has all of these financial institutions that are

You forgot the part where this is all 100%, indisputably, unquestionably the fault of Obama, Hillary, and the DNC.

Being revealed as a stupid, clueless idiot is usually cause for a promotion in conservative political circles.

From the article: “In an interview, Frank [one of the authors of the Dodd-Frank bill] disputed the suggestion that the Crapo bill might lead to another financial crisis, arguing that the rules on mortgages and derivatives remain essentially unchanged. And Frank said he’d rather see Heitkamp, Tester and Donnelly vote

You ... you do know that the legislators in charge of a state can’t change the FEDERAL tax code, right? ‘Cause it kinda seems like you don’t.

Otherwise you might realize that these states all have STATE taxes on the rich that are FAR higher that most states controlled by Republicans. Taxes that go to help fund lots of