
So they are saying that a p program that is currently a direct cash transfer will be made more efficient when it first has to:
A) Purchase food from suppliers
B) Store said food
C) Package said food
D) Transport said food to recipients

Wait, hold on - now I see it. They will get to humilaite poor people AND be able to

Stagflation and the end of the cheap energy that had undergirded the economy in the 70's led to people and politicians to blame unions and “over-regulation” which at the time meant rules designed to ensure competition and access. (As a for instance, Schlitz went bankrupt in the 70's after a merger with a rival was

When you live only in Wingnutoshpere, then you know certain facts, like the FBI is nothing but a wing of the Democratic party, and that tomorrow you are probably going to be killed by an MS-13 - but if not them, then by a scary Mooslem terrorist who came across our porous borders. You also know that Democrats did this

Easy to read - you have dangerously uniformed opinions and are too stupid to to even structure a coherent defense of them.

|But you have the best dank mems, amirite, bro?

Ha! No, Green Lanternism is the term reasonable political people apply to Lefties who believe that Obama could have say, gotten the DREAM Act passed by...wanting it more, I think? Or single payer, etc., etc. More here:

Ohhh, sick burn, brah. I mean, obvs America totally wants to vote for a class not race Return Of The New Deal (TM) lefty, but for the super delegates and field clearing and other assorted hand waving. I mean, the good, non-racist, blue collar voters in places like Wisconsin and Ohio just wanted a lefty hero that they

Mentioned this on another thread, but I believe replay can actually work as it is intended if you only allow plays to be reviewed at full speed. No slow motion replays at all. If a play is questionable and a full speed replay from another angle shows the ball come loose or what have you, then overturn it. This looking

That Ram ad was incredible. It was as politically on the nose as the baby ad. It told typical truck buyers - conservative, suburban, exurban and rural dwelling white people, a massive audience of whom watch the super bowl - that they are good people. Using MLK was an inspired touch - this past year, this particular

Something I saw, somewhere - so I don’t know who to credit - argued that the only way to use replay is if it is run at full speed. No slow mo. If you can see the call on the field was bad based on a different angle, then overrule it. But if you are dissecting whether the ball was a fraction of an inch not in his hands

Ugh. Pats vs That Other Team With The Backup QB. That’s how I viewed the buildup, Pats were gonna kill the Eagles, ugh. Tried to ignore all things Superbowl.

Then my brothers started texting me score updates, but I didn’t care, because, you know, 28-3.

But I finally watched the last ten minutes. And even I could see how

You’re adorable. DEMS ARE JUST AS BAD, MAN guy is no better than an unswayable GOP voter at this point, and I have no time for their Green Lanternism. If they are smart, their eyes can see the error of their ways in the daily headlines. If not, then they aren’t reachable - and I’d argue a guy coming on a board in

Turnout is all that matters now. Nothing else. THere will be no more than a handful of “switchers”, at best you can hope the Mueller investigation provides enough evidence to cause a few of the squishy GOP leaners to sit the next few elections out. But we can’t think that there will be a drop off in support for Trump

The Democrats have been fighting the last war, or election, as it were) for a long time now, and especially since we fully sorted in the mid-90's into a two party system. (Southern Democrats, while allowing the Democrats to weild the gavel from the 1930s to the late 80's, wee nominally a separate party, which is what

Be careful. Knowing the political environment and what it meant tactically back in the olden days (1994, 2001, 2008, just to name a few examples) is to upset the hindsight gods of the True Left, who just know that You. Didn’t. Even. Try. They have no time for your knowledge that there once was a time when politics

This deserves all the fucking stars on this page.

The simple answer to your question is: they are just that dumb. ANd they are just that dumb because they have been living in an infantalizing media bubble for going on 25 years now. That media bubble dismisses credible reporting on any number of topics by generally saying that “the other side” is simply making stuff

Careful. You’ve just revealed the fraud behind the Libertarian curtain. They keep insisting that here is this ‘market’ that, like gravity, exists outside of humanity. They fail to understand that the market is nothing more than the collection of rules we set for ourselves when we collectively form a society. Can you

Was this just a truly shitty job by the prosecution re: jury selection? (Or was this done by the county DA, sleepwalking through the motions and winking to his buddies on the force the whole time?)

I mean, how does one not watch that and not AT LEAST go for the manslaughter conviction? How can you not see yourselves at

Exactly this. I am so fecking tired of narrowing the view to the moment that there is the tiniest fraction of risk to the heavily armored guy pointing a powerful weapon, safety off and finger on the trigger, and say, “well what did you expect Officer Superwhite to do?!?!?!”

At no point after the first minute did the