
Truthiness is the official position, then?

It’s more than just a distraction: since the FBI had to sign off on the deal and Robert Mueller was part of the FBI team that did the due diligence on it, he can therefore be painted as the one was/is “tainted” by Russia (i.e. took money from them in order to approve the deal) soo hha ha libtards! Who’s the puppet

Oh, Alabama:

The thing is, when it comes to the “button”, and what happens when it is pushed, is that the whole thing is essentially designed as an automatic response to predictable scenarios. In short, the assumption has long been that that suitcase is cracked open only AFTER we are being attacked (by the Soviet Union,

That wasn’t them talking, it was the economic anxiety.

Right up until the production models were built, the X-Wing was going to have what looked like two engine, that split into half circles when the engines opened up (reflected in one of McQuarrie’s last pre-production paintings of an X-Wing being chased by a TIE fighter). It turned out the mechanical elements needed to

What was that Bannon quote?

The scam works because the effects of squeezing gov’t funding are slow burn and back-loaded. After these massive cuts, the sun comes up the next day, infrastructure doesn’t instantly crumble. The agencies continue to put duct tape on top of duct tape. Sure we all “know” that some engineering society gave our

Right? Land usage/rights/acquisition is EVERYTHING. Especially when your capsule screaming through a tube a 700mph will need specific, gentle, long curving routes so as to keep the passengers from getting squished by g-forces (or just nauseated from too much movement). If even one rancher says “nope!” you’re screwed.

The true distinction between now and the partisan press of the past is that those operations were de facto organs of the parties, and thus worked to achiueve those parties’ political goals. Even if the publishers or financiers of the papers were nominally independent, they shared the goals of the party leaders. Thus,

It’s certainly true that a “neutral” press is a new phenomenon, but not because partisanship diminished in any meaningful way. It was mostly because of a lack of competition stabilized newspapers into near monopolies post WWII, and the coin of the realm became prestige rather than eyeballs. Small to midsized towns

“With (insert accomplished dark-skinned person’s name) and others there was a sense that black (insert any occupation here) were arriving for real. For some people that means something is being lost. Rush was there to reassure these people how unfair it was”

The summation of his (and Faux News’) existence

Jeebus fecking cupcakes. I just watch Kellyanne Conway smugly blame Obama for this, because the ATF didn’t ban them under him. Did the the fecking NRA raise a hand at the time and say “we’re not cool with this”? Uhhh, no. And I guaran-gitdonged-tee you that had Obama banned them, the hue-and-cry from these people

Wow … you linked to an article that proved my point.

Let’s see, your evidence is “Bobby Kennedy got killed, then the dumbocrats simply walked away from what was a blindingly obvious class not race magical winning formula for the next fifty years ‘cause sellouts.”

Mine is: Muskie, the most labor-friendly, hammered in the primary, as Wallace destroyed him in the industrial

Democratic voters walked away from the Democratic party for reasons of racial/cultural politics. Democrats who chased after mythical “class not race” voters lost consistently. WWC voters preferred the culture war snake-oil the GOP was peddling, and the Democrats only started winning again when they changed as well,

The distant cousin of this is the school fundraiser sales of ordinary crap (gift wrap, popcorn, candy, you name it) by students. One, I don’t want my kids marching around the neighborhood guilting people we know into buying this crap at many multiples of a fair price; two, I don’t want to push it on my co-workers; and

“A guy that can use a computer is highly likely going to earn more money than someone that cannot”

What if he has to compete against someone in India who will do the work at 1/10th the price? The difference in cost from labor goes entirely to the owners. This is what we talk about when we talk about productivity gains.

Yep! And the point is: it doesn’t matter. It creates inequality only because we ALLOW it to create inequality. THe fact that there are highly efficient factories in Germany and Japan and nowhere near the attendant inequality is the tell. We did this to ourselves via our policy choices.

Here is the specific part of the 10 part Slate series that addressed the myth about computers and productivity: