
Nope. There were technological gains in the 40's, 50's 60's and 70's as profound across the manufacturing sector as computers were in the past 30. But more importantly, these technological gains post-1980 have been available to all 1st world nations, only in the US did the productivity gains stop being shared with

Slate did a multi-part series on inequality a few years ago that tried to answer what was driving it. (Taxes, trade, loss of unions, fiscal policy, etc.). One of the most amazing stats was the theft of productivity gains from workers. From WWII until 1980, wages rose almost lockstep with productivity. Beginning then,

I guess I just keep thinking, at what point do we finally get it about healthcare? How bad does it have to get for people to finally realize that there is no “market-based” solution, because health care isn’t a market?

It would be one thing if we were the first country in the world to take a tentative step in this

Putting a bullet in the head of the overtime rules change won’t help either. (That was the ONE THING that was going to provide a real clear line between the Dems and the GOP - if it had not been blocked by that fuckwad in Texas and actually went into effect, only to have the GOP yank back those raises...)

The truly sad

From WWII to 1964, the top marginal tax rate on income was above 90% (and no, it wasn’t on every dollar earned, but on every dollar earned after a certain point. In 1944, it was anything over $200,000/yr.). In other words, the politicians had set a hard limit on what you could “earn” in a year.

And yes, it was

Ok, so...no.

What, did your DVD of the 2010 Elite Eight break or something?

Yeah, not sure where you are finding KU tears over this. I hear the President of KSU is embarrased about it, but with so many wins at Allen Fieldhouse West, it’s more of a “well, these poor kids get all worked up about this game only to get spanked year after year after year, and it’s the only one they ever go to, so

The main reason it’s world’s ahead is that the Harrier sucked from day one (well, other than at being an airshow queen). The STOVL justification has been obsolete since...always (you need an order of magnitude more troops to secure and sustain the forward airbase than the amount of troops in the field you would be