
And the more Trump says shit like this, the more it seems like an inevitability that one of his most hardline followers decides that they can’t trust the Deep State to ensure Trump’s will be done and that they have to take action on their own. If and when that happens, it’ll be Trump who is responsible.


I’m beginning to think Kushner didn’t get into Harvard on the merits.

Good lord. So the only thing that can explain it is that Weinstein had some sort of kink, Bob?

Why do we keep putting these idiots in these positions?

Hold on - by saying that it was bad if Bernie was kept from the nom by power-broker machinations, it would be bad if power-broker machinations gave him the nomination?

Courage of your convictions. That right there is why the Dems lose.

Because the first rule of Elections Club is, if it produces an outcome I desire, then

Mark Zuckerberg literally changing the rules of facebook advertising in the last few days so that political ads do not have to be truthful (and keep that sweet Trump/GOP money rolling in) is all the fuckig flags I need to know who he’s rooting for to win the election

Taft_Hartley may no longer be as durable as you think. One of the things that is hard for a lot of people to grasp as they glance back through history is that there weren’t just two parties through most of the 20th Century. They see X amount of Ds and Y amount of Rs and think it ends there. The reality is that there

This is a point that just keeps getting ignored by the majority of columnists and commentors here. President Sanders and President Biden will get exactly the same amount of progressive change implemented (zero) so long as McConnell runs the Senate and Roberts runs the SCOTUS.

Its just that simple.

Mitch McConnell

You’ve got it backwards. The mass mobilization needs to happen as part of something called an “election”; that is to say, Bernie shouldn’t wait to uncork this wave of people when all they can do is just bleat at a Rep or Senator. But if he, say, caused a groundswell of support that not only got him elected, but

Medicare for All will see savings from eliminating insurance companies, but it will be less (nationally, in total) than people who (justifiably!) rail at the Big Greedy Insurance Companies would have you think. Mostly that’s because those savings will be offset by bringing millions of people into the system. This is a

No snark, totally being genuine here - I don’t understand why people don’t see busses as the real answer to most of our larger and mid-sized cities mass transit needs. They work perfectly within existing infrastructure, routes and assets can be quickly changed to reflect events (sports/concerts) that are irregular and

Generally speaking, AV people are not really looking at or talking about how these things will really be able to work and provide a benefit in the real world.

The safety problems aren’t technical, but legal. Eventually, after the techno-utopists get pushed aside by real-world experience, society will come to grips with

Yeah, this is clearly fake. That shotgun represents most of the mass of the drone, the recoil would have altered it’s flight noticeable. Plus no shells were seen being ejected, no smoke from the muzzle, and the things it was supposedly shooting at were never in the frame at the time of the shot (meaning someone on the

This is not enough proof that you are, in fact, a time traveler. I need something more - like, say... the date of Don Jr’s sentencing.

Ugh. Fitness culture. Leave it to America to take the one thing you can do, with nearly zero money, and for your own specific, personal needs, and turn it into status chasing and virtue signalling (When I do intermittently do weights, it is at a nearby community gym, and nearly all the guys there are wearing jeans AND

This is the correct take. I’ve said since day one that Trump wants to go to war with Iran. He doesn’t want to keep the Syrian or Afghanistan going because those were other president’s wars and clearly went badly because they never took the advice of superbrained Trump and just SNEAK ATTACKED and unleashed the troops

The thing that is getting mushed together here is the idea that there is not a distinction between dumb, insensitive people doing “costumes” of other races and “blackface” minstrel shit. Blackface is about stereotypes and subjugation. Have you noticed how the southern ones always show the African-American in

It’s not the fact that, yes, this hospital participates in the public financing system.

It’s the fact that paying straight up, walk-in-the-door retail prices in Canada for this procedure is between $5K - $8K.

That the price of a couple of aspirin for a procedure like this at an American facility

More than 50,000 individual donors gave during the campaign. What isn’t discussed in these holier-than-thou-responses is yes, it is hard to tie everything together in real time on a huge campaign, much less one that never expected to become this huge. The article doesn’t explain how late in the campaign they came in,

Imaginary Crimes is a good movie. Also, Elizabeth Moss played the gradeschool-aged daughter. Bet nobody who saw that movie would’ve thought she was destined to have a more successful career than than the goth girl every horny boy had a crush on in 1994...

In 2015 Germany accepted 1.1 million refugees. That would be like the US accepting 4.4 million refugees. In 2016, the US actually took in 85,000.