
Man, or should I say you, need to pick your battles. This is downright silly.

So, saying “They went to the store” is offensive?

I use they and their primarily in the workplace.

This is a silly point and you seem to be a silly person. It has literally ALWAYS been ok to use they/them as pronouns to talk about anyone.

Why would it be “a shame” about the kind of childhood they are living?

Can we have you?

It’s perfectly acceptable to say “They went to the beach” and not “She went to the beach”. Both are correct.

Shit, they made HockeyMike pay Arietta’s salary? Now that’s some ingenious GM’ing.

Eh, it’s a 3 year deal and the Phillies have plenty of cash. It’s a pretty low risk move, and they absolutely had to add tto the top end of their rotation.

It would be pretty difficult to be a bigger idiot than Pappelbon is.

Baseball players are usually shitty humans. Just happens to be that way. Sure, there are some that aren’t, but as a group they are exactly the kind of people that support Trump.

The Philadelphia Phillies have a real shot at the wildcard this yearr, and will win the division next year. Mark it down.

a) The Purge happens at night.

Did you see the most recent one? It’s basically about how rich white folks user the purge to hunt poor people for their enjoyment.

Remember when Republicans didn’t take offense when you said something negative about nazis? Pepperidge Farm remembers.

Most of the birds we know as Sea Gulls are actually Bay Gulls. Not that this changes your point significantly. But your issue is with Bay Gulls. Sea Gulls are tiny and not a nuisance.

COD material right here!

What are your feelings on Bird Law?

Ah ok, I get it. My bad. Long day.