Bari Weiss is awful but she isn’t a nazi.
Bari Weiss is awful but she isn’t a nazi.
Clearly is’s less about the gun and more about the statement. And I’d be very surprised if he didn’t have some pro-gun backing helping him take on two giant corporations.
No, it’s not the same at all. Age is a protected class in Oregon(for all ages 18+). Homosexuality, while it absolutely should be, is not a protected class in most states. I’m in PA, I can call one of my employees in to my office and tell them they are fired for being gay, and nothing can happen to me legally(my hr…
It definitely varies from state to state and that’s why we are here. Most states say that you can’t discriminate against someone for age reasons if they are over 40, but don’t mention any other ages. Oregon is different in that, they don’t make the over 40 distinction, so that means this guy has a case. What Walmart…
I’m pretty anti-gun and very pro-gun control, but...they have a point. They can serve and die for the country(which involves automatic weapons and bombs and shit) but can’t buy a rifle?
Kinda to be expected when the Gun Lobby writes the gun laws, the pharma lobby writes the healthcare laws, and the energy lobby writes the environmental laws. It’s almost as if corporations value profit over the rest of society. If only there was some way the government could regulate this stuff. Oh well, guns and…
Has there ever been a year that isn’t a historic year? They all are. That’s what history is, previous years.
She makes like $165k. That’s the amount it takes for her to go up there and lie to the American people day in and day out. It is a fairly cheap pricetag for your dignity.
I never heard Barack Obama utter a single disparaging thing about George W Bush at all, ever. Not once. And that’s because, like so many other things it was a decorum thing. Presidents simply did not(until Trump that is) talk shit about the previous guy. Obama inherited an absolute fucking disaster in almost every way…
It’s amazing that these motherfuckers are completely incapable of acting like human beings. They can’t even show the barest minimum of empathy or anything. It’s absolutely insane. She goes for a fucking photo-op and nothing else, less than a month after these kids watched their friends and teachers and siblings be…
If this leads to me seeing Rihanna in lingerie, I fully support this.
He’s clearly having some sort of breakdown.
I only send topless photos of John Buccigross.
What’s the difference anyway? We both have enough nukes to destroy the other. Whether they go 10 times the speed of sound or are undetectable by radar are pretty minor points considering the fact that if they are ever used, life on earth ceases to exist. Same as it ever was.
She’s a citizen.
You can’t really be this stupid can you? I hope this is just some sort of troll act you have going on, because no one that isn’t a blithering moron could possibly believe any of the things you just said.
The Dems wouldn’t let it happen either, as there is no special election mechanism in the constitution. If the VP can’t succeed the president, then it’s the SOTH and then so on down the line. There won’t be a special election.
Can you prove that it’s not all poor black people’s fault?
They already sell skins to make your juul look cooler.