
Seems kinda...logical? If you keep trying to recruit kids and they keep failing the drug test(which shouldn’t even exist as it’s an invasion of privacy), then why keep trying?

Feinstein is far from perfect but she’s been a very effective Democratic senator. I’m not so sure it’s a good idea to jettison effective democratic lawmakers because they don’t pass the purity test.

No, she works for Trump which makes her stupid and a liar.

Dookie was a very good album but anything after that, you’re correct.

Lies are legal. Shitty, but legal. Lying under oath, which I’m sure many of these idiots are doing is not, but there’s nothing illegal about lying and then admitting to it.

I’m no philosopher but I’d recommend cat .gifs.

I for one am hoping for Mooch 2: Electric Boogaloo.

Fucking “lounge furniture”?? This is an office. A place of work. Who the fuck needs to lounge at work?

I’d say he’s second tier after Brady, Brees, Rogers and Wentz

He didn’t just call him that in the debate. He referred to him as “Lyin Ted” for months.

Fuck this nazi shitbag with a goddamn rake.

A moderately fit 19 year old would absolutely wreck Trump and wouldn’t need an AR-15 to do so. That fat lump of KFC grease and racism isn’t taking anyone out.

I don’t care if they used to be a non-profit children’s cancer hospital that saved millions of lives. I’m talking about what they are now.

Well, they’re incorrect. During the Columbine shooting the cops waiting outside for minutes and more people died. After that the protocol became getting to the shooter and neutralizing him as fast as possible.

Funny how you cite CDC stats when the CDC is prohibited from researching the health effects of gun violence because of the NRA lobby.

After Columbine that changed. They aren’t supposed to wait for backup, they are supposed to go after the shooter and neutralize him at all costs, even their own lives. It’s not a job that I’d want to do, but it was his job and he didn’t do it. I understand why, and I’m not saying this guy is terrible, but he failed at

He lacks empathy and compassion, so of course he doesn’t know how to deal with it. He only cares about himself.

He was 2 weeks from retirement, but I don’t know his age. Doesn’t necessarily mean he’s old. My uncle is a state trooper and is retiring next year when he will be 48.

He was supposed to rush in to the situation and do anything he can to get to the shooter. I couldn’t/wouldn’t do it, but I’m also not a cop. That was his job, and he failed to do it. He’s not necessarily a bad person but he objectively failed at doing his job.

Because the NRA floods our government with money in order to prevent gun control?