That’s an idiotic point.
That’s an idiotic point.
It’s absolutely disgusting the way the right is attacking these kids that just watched their friends, teachers and family be murdered.
They should probably add a “is this guy a Nazi” intern.
They don’t and never have represented gun owners. That’s the lie they tell gun owners to keep their donations flowing. They represent gun manufacturers, therefore their only goal is to increase gun sales. They have no place in this discussion, as they are inherently biased.
Yeah how dare they be emotional after watching their friends and family be murdered in front of them while being told “oh well, there’s nothing we can do except put more guns in your schools”.
You realize that freedom of the press is just as ingrained in the Constitution as the Second Amendment, right? So, if you’re proposing limitations on the First Amendment(which there already are), you should be ok with limitations on the Second Amendment(which there also already are).
No, they are the lobbying arm of the gun manufacturing industry and their only goal is to increase gun sales for their clients. They don’t belong at the table.
An organization, who’s only reason to exist is to increase gun sales, has no place at the table in this debate. OF fucking course they are against gun control, as it hurts the bottom line of the industry they lobby for. This is like letting the fossil fuel industry write environmental laws...oh wait.
Yeah pushing those kids agenda is pretty terrible. I mean, their agenda is pretty insidious. It’s basically “We don’t want to be murdered at school, please do something to stop it”. Such a terrible agenda. The NRA’s agenda of “sell more guns no matter what the cost to humanity and our children is as long as we make…
Most of the people that agree with the NRA, don’t understand what the NRA is for. It’s not for gun owners, hunters, or hobby shooters, it’s the lobbying arm of the gun manufacturing industry. Period. That’s it. They give zero fucks about anything except making sure gun companies sell more guns. They will support…
Yeah, if we just beat our kids more they won’t be violent. Violence never begets more violence.
I have’t heard any prominent person on the left call for banning all guns.
The state of the government at the moment pretty much precludes them from doing one thing, let alone multiple things.
Breaking News: Ignorant racist is ignorant.
Encino Man and it’s not even close.
Ccorrection: Trump pretends to be Catholic. Which in my opinion is even worse.
People always shit all over the younger generation. It’s like some sort of hazing or something. But each generation improves upon the prior one. These kids are better than us, and we should all be happy about that because we’re all going to need them to be.
Source for this? Hasn’t been my experience at all, and I have a 14 year old son who I know was taught it as well. Additionally, literally everyone I know is aware of this information, and it’s not like I associate with a lot of intellectuals. I don’t understand why you’re so adamant that it’s not being taught just…
If it wasn’t for child support and alimony(which I pay happily) I would be middle class for Philadelphia. I am pretty much paycheck to paycheck right now though. I get by and have a place to live, plenty of food and reliable transportation with some money for recreation, so I’m definitely doing better than many.
Especially $300 million worth of eggs. It’s complete insanity. I also know nothing about the law, but it seems like he would have been violating some kind of fiduciary responsibility by doing something that blatantly stupid, so maybe she has a case.