Forget about the thigh gap. It's All. About. Pyramid Head.
Forget about the thigh gap. It's All. About. Pyramid Head.
Can we talk about that green dress made for a six-breasted junior?
My bf is a bike messenger & shaves his legs. It's rad. Our legs are like elegant hairless dolphins between the sheets. But yeah, these ads are dumb.
Just to be clear: I am not opposed to female nudity. I don't freak out if I see a vagina or breasts. It's just, I love GoT, but they take gratuitous nudity to a whole new level.
I may be biased as a gay guy, but enough with the tits and ass, especially whore tits and ass! We get it! Most of the women in the GoT universe are just fuck toys. Solid writing, guys.
If you put an obscene amount of cheese on my sandwich, I'd probably assume you wanted to be BFFs for life.
I really hope Big Dick Richie gets a lot more screen time and a really tragic backstory.
RIP "Dawson Necklace"
Pin Now! Read Later! This outfit is a must for those chic days at the office! Janet on the couch there has been doing a juice cleanse for a month now. She got the recipe off Pinterest..along with the Mason Jar coffee mug she's been using. She's also bringing in some Organic Veggie Chili to next weeks pot-luck,…
Next Job Hunt, I'm marketing myself as a Playmobil figure. I mean, look how great I am with interacting in the break room
I'd like to blame my current trend of watching currently-broadcasted TV shows in one evening's sitting while going through a bottle of wine on GoT. I love wine. But geez, if the Lannisters' constant wine drinking doesn't make me always go, "Hmm. GOOD IDEA." I'm planning to restock my supply this weekend in…
-Has kids
Taystee and Poussey are great, but I also love Mackenzie and Amanda.
Ms Meyer is a crayola bitch-ass
Callie, I'm really disappointed that L.C. didn't actually shave her head. Like super disappointed. I might have to leave work early.
With a little time and effort, this unfortunate image could have been unnoticeably fixed.