
If a school board tried to fire a teacher for “inappropriate pictures” then the teacher could just produce deepfakes of the board and then make them prove they were not real or quit.

I get paranoid about this shit too, so I comfort myself with the idea that once we can’t trust any video or audio or photo, we get to ignore all of it. Like maybe there’s real nudes of me out there but maybe they’re deep fakes. Who knows? Maybe leaking a racy picture won’t be a way to ruin someone’s career anymore, if

I’m pretty sure Mariel Hemingway would beg to differ. Didn’t he invite her to go to Paris alone with him when she was still a teenager?

That all being said, The Boys is an Amazon production, and no amount of biting critique is going to change the fact that it’s every bit a part of the big machine it’s rallying against as Warner Bros. or Disney.”

i think I’d prefer “teens arrested as suspects in attack” rather than seeing “allegedly attacked.” They look bloody? Unless there’s cctv footage of the two women just knocking each other out? 

It’s time for some vulgarity. I’m done playing nice and pretending that there’s any middle ground here. At least six kids have died in U.S. custody in the past year from torture and neglect at U.S. concentration camps. No kids died in immigration custody in the decade before that. And now American kids are being

1) The kid who recently got picked up by ICE was an American citizen. His mother even brought his birth certificate and they insisted it was fake. He spent a month sleeping on a floor in an overcrowded cell with 60 men. The kid lost 20 pounds because these concentration camps aren’t providing basic food or medical

As I mention at the end of the post, this photoshop incident isn’t a big deal. But we’ll take any small victory these days when American teens are being placed in concentration camps and lose 20 pounds over a few weeks because they got picked up for being the wrong color.

Nudists aren’t as appealing to perv at as most people imagine, even in France. And there are so many better and more legal places to see nakedity these days. Even if you’re into voyeurism.

No, they haven’t. Being undocumented is not a crime, it’s an administrative determination as part of a civil procedure. Even when someone is deported, there’s no verdict or finding of guilt, it’s more akin to having an application rejected (which is often what happens). For someone so stuck on the law, you sure don’t

The authorities (in this case, ICE) need to go through the proper legal process as well. 

Regular people standing up to the insanity. More of this, please.

Not gonna lie - this is so unexpected for the area that I cried when I saw it yesterday. Yes, Nashville is slightly more left than the other parts of the state, but it’s still full of rednecks within the city limits. This is the last kind of story that I ever expected to see and it was amazing.

I mean....the fact that Tweeden is literally a right-wing media personality with little to no concern for the truth should be a factor in considering the validity of her allegations— but that doesn’t excuse or explain some of the other allegations against Franken. 

That’s not true. Some of us like that Franken was a strong liberal voice on the hill who didn’t sell himself to corporations to the degree others do. He was good at the job. Screw Biden.

I question Franken’s fate but am grossed out by Joe Biden. So there’s at least one person, me.

Remember how the GOP were all-a-tremble about the specter of Islamic Radicalization?

We have a lumbersexual!