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I had kids when Mya was cool, so I knew her as the peanut butter stomp lady. I don’t know about the other stuff but I love this. Hey everybody!  It’s dancy dance time!

Wow, all those negative replies must have dampened that feeling. Fuck those haters. They’re all nuts. You’re right on. We’re moving into a world where it makes no difference what you look like and that is universally positive if you ask me.

Amazon sucks, and I’m not a big fan of most corporations, especially since the do no evil google has gone the way of the dinosaur, but Disney is the greatest invention and we should all thank our lucky stars that it came out the way it did.

Demons. When her mom was pregnant she was visited by a succubus, probably in the form of a black cat or a bat. It breathed it’s evil taint into her while she was sleeping. If you asked her she could probably recall a terrible nightmare.

Right. I love being naked because as I get older my skin gets more sensitive to fabric rubbing against it all the time, especially wool in winter. Being naked in the sun is the cure for that.

Well you can either be conquered by the machines or become one of them. I think I’ll become one of them. It’s not that I’m afraid of terminators. Murdering them seems like great fun.  I just want to be able to connect with my sex bot in a more intimate way.

Have you ever noticed that it’s only the cool cultures that don’t want to be appropriated? I mean, on Saint Patrick’s day it’s almost a given that you’re supposed become Irish, and honestly I’d prefer not. I don’t drink beer in it’s natural color so I’m not going to switch because it’s suddenly green.

I love this movie so much I still think about it sometimes.  God I wish I could be a mountain man. 

That thing can’t be real, right? Right? RIGHT?

Ha. My 13 year old daughter asked me why she stays with him.

Man I don’t get all the hate here. I knew nothing going in, just that she was famous. I thought I was going to see something, I don’t know, incredible, like a huge Chuck Close or a massive portrait of Washington or something, Didn’t she paint murals?

Both.  Well I mean I don’t get it, not that I’m a troll. 

Oh I see now. I was missing the surrealism part. I guess I saw too many glowing flowers next to paintings of rotting bowls of fruit on the way in. I agree about Kandinsky, I don’t get Russian art, with the all glowering sadness. I read a story about him to a bunch of 3d graders believe it or not.

I just checked out the Frita Kahlo exhibit at the MFA in Boston while I waited for my wife’s colonoscopy to finish. I don’t get her at all. There’s so much great art that will blow your mind in that place. Beautiful colonial portraits of long dead aristocrats, amazing impressionists like Monet and Degas. A Jackson

Man did they come to the right place. We’re in a fightin’ mood around here what with the Bruins in a pinch and coming down to the wire. Did you guys see that fight from the game on Deadspin?

Well I don’t know about these other guys but my ancestors were tories who had to flee to Canada after the war. They only returned in the 1800s to follow the whaling industry.

OK first lick this piece of paper.

I assumed he was going with the guardians to boramere, or everclear or whatever the name of the red skull planet where the soul stone lives to rescue Nat and Gamora. Oh and Vision too maybe. Comic books man, this is why I love them.

I know I shouldn’t but it’s so disgusting. I really want one.
