Hmmmm. Let’s check and see what Jesus said. Oh look right here in the Sermon on the Mount: “Comfort the sick.” That’s pretty straight forward.
Hmmmm. Let’s check and see what Jesus said. Oh look right here in the Sermon on the Mount: “Comfort the sick.” That’s pretty straight forward.
Hey quiet down there kid. That’s how we got legal weed. (please read this in a thick Boston accent)
I mean, sure. But there was an epidemic of smack and coke in the 70s too. That was black people in cites so the government just threw all their asses in jail. That’s one way to kick smack maybe we white people should endorse for our own medicine.
I don’t know why that picture won’t post
No matter what you do or how weird you are chances are you don’t fall far from the center of the bell curve. It’s a big wide world. In some places in Africa ladies breast feed goats during droughts (thanks radio lab). The point is you shouldn’t obsess. There’s always something weirder than you.
Hey, I get this reference now! I feel so young and alive.
This is so weird because my family is all traveling down east to Acadia this weekend. I better hold my tongue or I’ll get a knuckle sandwich with my knuckle sandwich (hot lobster roll). Ha.
It’s that weird beard right? I’ll have to remember to tell my daughters no pencil beards. Those guys are trouble.
Here’s the fascinating part (for future historians) if he is self aware then it’s just a matter of endurance. How long can he stand it? But if he’s not it will break him mentally. Maybe it already has and we just haven’t noticed. I mean, you and I noticed, but congress.
Take it from a dude that was at one time 13 years old. All his bluster, All his cruelty, all his aggression, is masking a deep pain and insecurity. It’s the only way he knows to deal with it. His brother at least had the good sense to drink himself to death instead of ruining the country, but I digress. I’m sure he’s…
What do you think it smells like? That’s the real stomach turner.
I guess, but does that action really help end racism? It all seems overly dramatic to me.
I don’t know what you mean by support. Not going to his shows? His show is free on netflix, you aren’t going to cancel are you? What if you see him randomly on TV and he make you laugh. You can’t take it back man.
If you could give interviews to everyone you interact with you’d find everyone holds views you deplore. So what? They can still make you sandwiches and Norm can still make you laugh. You just have to have confidence in progress. Things are truly getting better. I’m an old man. You’d be shocked at the racism and sexism…
This is exactly what I thought of when I read that. The moth joke. Genius.
Actually trolling, as defined as laughing at the emotional outburst of another person you set up is kind of time honored in comedy. They used to do it to Roman emperors.
Nope. The opposite is true. We’re all ageist sexist and even racist. It’s part of being human. Just because you recognize these impulses are negative and reject them doesn’t make you immune. You have blind spots and biases like any other human. That should humble you, when seeing someone else’s, but you don’t seem…
No one heard anything. It was an interview in print. People can make up their own minds. They don’t need you scolding them. I’d prefer to get the laughs and dismiss the rest, thanks.
I don’t understand why we can’t laugh at people who have ideas that we disagree with. He’s an old man, from rural Canada for christsakes. What do you expect? He’s still Fucking funny, maybe even the funniest, and that’s good enough for me.
Really? How does that work? Can I talk smack about someone in Connecticut and get off Scott free? Does it only apply to public figures? Is that how tooth paste says all the other pastes suck?