
I think I’ll concentrate on sending child rapists to prison, thanks.

Ha. I notice you didn’t refute the jail remark. The point I’m making is that based on this exchange you are a poor judge of credible.

Didn’t pay attention in school? You don’t get to decide who is lying. A judge or a jury (who are both smarter than you) get to decide. Sorry man. A single credible witness can get your ass tossed in the tank.

Hearsay means you got the information from someone else. This is an actual eye witness account, so yes, when a girl says she was molested we should investigate, got to trial, and throw that person in jail for a long time. When two or three do it should be an open and shut case.

Jesus God you aren’t kidding. I just read the synopsis and I’m going to go throw up, then take along hot shower.

Ow my exploding head.

I don’t know where I read that Osama Bin Ladin was inspired by Issac Azimov’s foundation but the Star Wars thing makes way more sense. The idea that if you could take out the death star and then the empire’s reign of terror would be over. I thought they wanted to destroy the financial system and hence the US

You know, if we’d have just let this A hole talk his talk in print and spew his venom he’d push way more people away from the right than firing him ever would. That just makes conservatives love him more. Do you really think people read about hanging women who have abortions and want to flock to his cause? No.

Sorry you can’t secede from the union. It’s not allowed. Ask Lincoln. If they did we’d be duty bound to murder them. I don’t know about you, but murdering Americans, even confederate ones, is something I find off putting.

You guys get that conservatives are sexy right? That’s what makes Ron Swanson so popular. Ladies (some of them) love that stuff. Not just the rugged individualism and furniture making either. Off putting characteristics can be totally sexy too.

It depends on the person. I’m pretty happy when dumb people don’t like me. That’s a sign you’re on the right track.

No no. We reward Good deeds, however large or small. There’s plenty at Disney to shit on. This isn’t it.

Ironically he’ll live to be 105 because his body is immune to every disease and pathogen nature can dream up. They all live in that terrible pipe. I bet he picks his nose too.

Now playing

Ha. Don’t get me started on a discussion of pigs. Those are the machines they ram into sewer pipes to clean them out, like this one!

My old company brought in a demo rig on a trailer and challenged us to try and find something it couldn’t eat. I left after it swallowed a shovel, turned the handle into splinters and the spade into a steel snowball the size of my fist.

Ha. Everybody poops, even the rich.

In the rack house where the comminutors are it is very smelly and there’s a ton of flies. It’s warm even in the dead of winter because the bacteria heat everything up as they eat your shit and divide. It’s also very humid, so everything is dripping and rusty.

You should see the gruesome pictograms on the safety warnings. They are terrifying.

All the regular workers at the plant I worked at were crazy immigrants and I love them all. What a cast of characters, they were happy fun and a little drunk all of the time. The night crew was notorious for their pranks. Makes you wonder what it was like in the old country.

You are an artist.