
I was in prison. My understanding is Jail is temporary placement while waiting for closure on a case. Prison is if you are sentenced to a year or more, at least in my state. I was sentenced to one year.

Yeah, give him a fair trial for murder. Yes, try him for animal abuse and torture. Try him until there is justice. It's all a very rational response to irrational actions. He's a dangerous tool, let us treat him as such.

That is what I came on here to look for. So he burned an animal alive and admitted it? Nuff said. For me, that says it all. Fuck Him.

I vote in a western state. His name would be good to know.

That is a one fearless man. Go on with your naughty self.

This! Yes. Walking around all fit and shit with no fear. Powerful analogy. Damn.

Thank you, Dear Marie. This Jez will miss you, and not just on Saturday night.

Why is cousin sour? Do tell.

Well, they were just girls.

People in America say that about pretty much every state, perhaps sans California and New York. Midwestern states are not bastions of politeness! It’s a cute thought, but there are rude jerks in all fitty.

I know I shouldn’t feed you, but your words reflect how many feel in the nation. Your gist is, until America is perfect, let’s not do anything to help anyone else. That doesn’t fly. Do you see? Our kids get educated, male or female. It’s a law. We care about education. The quality of the education varies and

Walton Family. Sheesh. WTF with them.

When I see images of refugees from Syria on the news, they are mostly men. It makes sense in patriarchal society that women have the emotional and physical responsibility for children, yet they are the ones who need the most help. As in, they can’t run away...as fast... Do the good men do it in hopes of making a

In Ohio, we had a school nurse. She had an office and respect.

Let me get this straight. The governor and his appointees who allowed and then ignored the poisoning of municipal water are now charged with dispersing millions of federal/taxpayer bailout dollars rather than being charged with jail time?

Yes, lucky you! I bet she is a dear girl. I have four delights, but would love to have All The Pets!!! If they would have me .Yet, if we each/all took at least one....Love how that math works for the helping ‘em all potential!

She was very lucky to meet you! I wish we could help all the critters. I would work full-time tirelessly and joyfully to end preventable suffering.

Noooooo! The whole point of cats is They Rock. Sweet, loving, smart, fun and loyal. Dogs are just as good, but not better. Plus, all pets need care. If you take the time to get to know a cat, you will find they are excellent communicators and very in-tune with their humans. Mine excel at comforting, using all sorts of

Ohio is the new Florida.

DeerLady, Thank You To The Max For This!!! I can't even.