
Cats have a surgical procedure, so they go under and it’s a whole production to clean their teeth. I wonder why her dog would need a $1200 cleaning if he will be awake, the lesser amount sounds right. Man, either way, pets teeth maintenance can be more expensive than the “owners” .

I tried the finger brush too. Unless your cat is passive and accepting of the brushing, I would not recommend starting with it. It offers your finger little protection.

Be Afraid.

No kidding. I had a tiny stomatitis kit named Amy, had to have her teeth professionally cleaned twice a year to keep her pain-free. Even with that protocol, she lost many of her teeth. No shit, I could have put a down payment on a home for what was spent on this little kitty in the 10 years I knew her.

Yes, dammit, we are supposed to brush our cats teeth. It's true. I don't like it either, but there it is.

Don't you get it? That's what makes it so great!!!! :)

Cats have unique and impressive problem solving skills. Pooping in the sink or tub sends a message. Doesn't mean for one minute they don't love, possibly they are just trying to make a point.

My cats occasionally do business in the bathtub if they find the litter box not up to their standards of cleanliness. I don't judge. Frankly, I think it's brilliant.

Hahahahah. I enjoy watching people that wear fur cry. Especially when they put it on unsuspecting children who love animals. Thank you.

“Yeah, i feel you can forgive a pre-verbal infant a lot of things because they are basically helpless but this guy? What’s his excuse?”

Trump wouldn’t attempt a punch, he’s way out of shape. He would shoot. Way easier.

If Trump is beasties with Putin, ....


I never thought I would root for Fox “news” to hold their ground or be impressed by their loyalty to a peer. WTF. #trumpthetrump

Thank you for the thoughtful reply. Sex comedies and romantic comedies are not the same story. The idea of exposing how a man’s unwanted attention could be spoofed for impact (not marginalized or normalized) in the form of a rom com is intriguing. Let’s portray the true impact of harassment, and how the harassment

I get you, but this is not the place to post kittens. A woman with 3 children was shot dead by a man.

I’m not seeing “lots of replies” that reference romantic comedy. Why did you choose that (as a genre or example of what "men" don't like) to focus on? I’m genuinely curious what your point is.

“Surely, there can’t be *actually* be people out there who thinks this is a good pick-up method and really do this stuff?”

I was able to star it twice. I thought it was a brilliant observation and attempted two stars, and low and behold! I'm new at participating though, historically I lurk and admire from afar and may be wrong about the starring.

I know. I feel it too. Internet hugs to you :) Unless you are not a hugger, in which case I offer one of my delicious vegan cookies made with love and hope of future triumph.