
I wish I understood this story. What is it about? I'm pro choice and pro Planned Parenthood. When I research , it is still unclear as to what the heck really happened. Is fetal tissue sold?

Thanks. No takers so far. :)

“h-dawg" ? To whom do you so eloquently refer?

Since when is war fair, Mr. cannon fodder?

Donald Trump is an example of such a conscription. Deferments out the wahzoo.

No, human dude, slapping on the nose is not acceptable as a form of communication. That was a childish move and a wasted teachable moment for both of you. You started it. Go Team Bear.

Huhu huuuu....you said moist. Huhhuhhuh....

Fine point! Yay that! I don't get why people are angry at Hillary.

Did he? Did he really? ;)

Maybe I get it? I believe what Amber said about the booty play. He likes it. She did it for him when they were a couple in love. Is that the ref youngs wouldn’t get? :>)

Do you or any Jez reading that cares to comment have actual experience with Obamacare ( aka The Affordable Care Act, dammit)? I hear negative things lately from people I "know", but question the sources. Some info is anecdotal and second-hand. My marketplace experience did not go well.

Such a pretty potion! Seriously intriguing and tempting.


I think JODIHiGHROLLER would get me. I have no idea who he is, but nevertheless. Pastor Jakes and Adele ruling all? Yeah, that sounds right.

It's comforting to know Lil Marriage happens and is rewarding. I'm glad you are happy. That requires no apologies :)

Honestly. Very presumptuous socks. Plus,I bet the happiness part is extra.

Yoko, is that really you? If so, dear lady, I would Love to see your one hour program about all the wrong things. I bet you could make it happen. Please go forth. Please. Do.

No, they don't. I kind of resent a product that insists it will make me happy. I do enjoy a comfy sock, but that is an aside.

I get that. I wouldn't enjoy sitting next to a guy who had sex with my wife either. At least in the early days of the "acceptance she had a past and lived a life before me" time.

You make an interesting point. GOOP, the word, means a combination of random things that end up being globular with no real form. It’s a goop of stuff. It doesn’t lend itself to exclusivity, but the items target shoppers who can afford a goop-less life. There is a disconnect for me. Does goop stand for something?