This whole thing is just going straight into the toilet.
It explains some of the fucking weirdos and straw-man arguments running around in the comments when Luke’s stories started to indicate she might not be as much of a “victim” as she was claiming.
“I have no choice...” Fuck off. You are literally on a “gaming reviews, news and tips” website which is an option to get an idea of a game before you buy it.
So this hack site will give ink to streamers and people who tweet a lot, and you have the gall to question weather or not Seth Green, who has been in film since he was 10, and has created more for the world in one year than you have in your whole life , is actually famous?
Kotaku must be one of the most toxic and horrible places to work. You all have been trained and conditioned by an advertising algorithm to bitch and moan about everything. It’s no secret that ad algorithms reward negativity. On top of that Kotaku has droves of mindless drones who nod their heads in agreement with…
“artificial attempt at garnering interest"
A slur is a slur no matter who it’s aimed at. The target being white people doesn’t make it somehow okay.
Because camera shake is more than just weapon recoil. Take, for example, how the player camera might shake while running, or in a car crash, or if an explosion goes off near you.
Nuke it until warm, then throw it in the toaster oven on convection until you get crispy skin. I find this actually works really well with most things to get a good cross between speed and proximity to original status.
G/O Media’s house style guide discourages editing & proofreading; acknowledging corrections is also frowned upon.
“I’m being told to take action on the matter”
PC culture at its worst... Should hunters change the name of their hideouts too? Stop being so sensitive about everything. There are 15 definitions of the word “blind” here. Quit pretending like yours is the only and/or most important one.
Given you can’t really recycle ocean plastic into usable plastic products, I’m left to assume they are using it as a filler in their fake meat.
This series is rapidly becoming the new Salty Waitress.
There must be other times of the year when people eat lots of turkey—surely all the turkey legs at Renaissance Faires drive up the market?—but Thanksgiving is the Big One.
That “milk is not a good source of calcium, akshually” is a weird vegan propaganda point, but it’s not true. Milk has very good bioavailability of calcium (around 30%) and also has a metric shit-ton of calcium per serving.
So, this is actually an area of active lobbying in the US, just with a different product.
Fruit-like aftertaste?
Apparently our A&W is superior? As in, actually good.