
Unrelated, but as a Canadian, I am glad to see the “Don’t know how to draw a maple leaf” meme lives on.

Expected this to be here. Thank you.

Here’s a perspective to better understand. AI art is not art in itself. It’s more akin to manufacturing. In the same way that if you gave the designs of the Statue of David for a factory to reproduce, you are a manufacturer, but not an artist. AI art adds a few levels of obscurity to this because it’s using more than

Can you really not target body parts in this one? You could in the original, but just need to unlock the ability to after leveling up weapon proficiency. 

calling out bad pay for gaming industry talent” -> “failing to extort a gaming company by withholding her voice as an established character.”

Taylor denied ever demanding a six-figure sum” - I’m not up to speed on this one, but I thought she only commented that the figure she asked for was not $250,000, or have there

It’s concerning but Anker generally has a good quality reputation. I will have to assume that it has to do more with the form factor, being shaped to fit inside a pokeball, than it has to do with their quality control until news starts coming out about their new productions. I imagine all of your old Anker products

I’ve been playing regularly since November as a f2p only player, and I’ve gotten 4 of the rare (5 star) characters. Including the ones that just unlock through story, I’ve got 17 of the total 30.

Experts believe that up to 400 mg of coffee is safe.
Should read:
Experts believe that up to 400 mg of caffeine is safe.

It’s disputed but you can read up on it yourself. It’s undisputed origins stem from a European dish that pre-dates the half dozen people recognized for making claims of inventing the modern hamburger in America. If you want to claim the US invented the modern hamburger, I’m not going to argue that, but to say “not

Hamburger is named based where it originated, Hamburg Germany. Anyways, back on topic, naming distinction lawsuits are always kind of a crapshoot. Whether the meat lobbyists win, it doesn’t really matter. It’s basically a “is a hotdog a sandwich” type lawsuit. Definition vs use of the term in language. No matter the

German? Jermaine! Jackson 5! Tito!

I do water before teabag. I know it’s not proper, but every time I do it the other way around, it always catches a large air bubble inside the bag, and it ends up floating at the top instead of fully submerged.

I usually just use a binder clip on the corner of the bag I open.

I didn’t realize it was healthy to have less unhealthy things. These experts are doing some ground breaking work /s

I think this is the right take on it. Captain Holt from Brooklyn Nine-Nine is a great example. He’s his own person first, who just happens to be gay, and it is exactly how it should be. He would be a boring / disingenuous character if he were defined by his gayness. This is probably why a lot of people don’t like

Too pricey to ship things to Canada as most things usually are. Just previewed the estimate and it’s about $25 in just shipping to get it up here.

This is a sad sad day indeed. To find out about the existence of superior peanut butter chocolate confection, to find out soon after that it’s not really available in Canada.

How to go from snacking to handling a controller? Try chopsticks. Works great if you’re trying to avoid cheeto fingers.

Savory breakfast? Think I’ll just have bacon and eggs, thanks.

Interesting but I probably won’t end up trying this one. Topping is more or less no churn ice cream without a freezer. It’s a couple steps away from a milk shake which I think I’d rather have.