
Watching a game of football is physically demanding as watching a movie. Healthy food options would make sense if the target audience of professional sports was fitness, but it is not. They just want people to watch the game and enjoy themselves.

What about filling the lines with something combustible instead of freon? Unlicensed refrigeration workers?

I don’t think that would matter. If the goal was to play games, the very first thing it would do is figure out right hand index finger = R1, right middle finger = R2, ect ect, and then we’d be straight back to be identical to a straight software piece.

I thought the unicorn fraps were pretty well received.

Ah I see. I suppose it can’t be helped much from the employer’s side if the customers are tipping different workers differently.

For the bartending, from bartender to bartender, was the difference tips you could make only, or were the base pays different too?

I’d feel more comfortable with those numbers if they included years of experience into the gender starting pay. Food is not my industry, but experience is usually a bigger factor, that this report seems to have excluded entirely.

Having 3 days worth of emergency supplies doesn’t mean you start burning through them as soon as the disaster starts... it’s 3 days of extra time.

This doesn’t need be political. All households should have some sort of emergency supply, regardless of fair weather, or perceived nuclear war. A minimum of of 3 days of food and water, and basic first aid (more if it’s within your budget). Here in Vancouver, we have a “Zombie Walk”, and it is government supported as

Not assuming. I have family in the meat industry. You might be mistaken about the effects though. Source me if I’m wrong, but the way I understand it is that flash freezing prevents large ice crystals from forming, which better maintains texture / prevents post thaw moisture loss, and is overall more gentle on the

Are the fresh patties any better? Is it even noticeable? I’ve not had it, but it’s ground beef. I’m not sure what the point of this is other than purely marketing.

Dave Chappelle’s diamond grinder comes to mind.

Not released to the public, and not released are very different things. The thing I find odd about those numbers is that it is much higher than I expected, given how sensitive the subject is, and the likelihood of it being evidence in an ongoing case. I’d expect that the only people who actually need this info are

Whoa now. Check your local laws, because that’s 1 tube from a having a still in your house.

See now, what we’re arguing about is a difference of definition. I am not sure you understand what is meant by pandora’s box. The point about “Angelos Koots” is an example of what I meant by pandora’s box being opened. Pandora’s box in this case is access to guns, and closing pandora’s box is removing the guns. With

It is the opposite of that actually. Did you look up “Angelos Koots” yet? Illegal guns will disappear when you get rid of the desire to want one, and that is a much more complicated question than just trying to remove the objects, and if you can control thoughts and desire, you might as well aim to get rid of the

Is 57,000 guns still being out there a week ago, being turned in after a 20+ year ban supposed to show that the ban is working good? What were those guns doing for the last 20 years, and what do you think the odds are that someone with bad intentions turned in their gun? Look up “Angelos Koots”, and tell me if the

I’ve no clue really. Half of what I hear coming out of America seems to suggest there’s no need for the police to be there because there’s no issue, and the other half saying that the issue is too common. But yes, I agree that the level of police presence would be unsettling, and rationally it would make more sense if

It is pandora’s box. You can’t close it once it has already been opened, and for America it already has. The chance for comfortable has long passed, and it’s perfectly reasonable to feel uncomfortable since any guns being used actively outside of sporting/hunting is a clear sign something horribly wrong has happened.

The peas probably add too much. The other ingredients are fine since it’s more or less flavouring the sauce, but the peas are a leap away from what people expect when they hear mac and cheese. Risotto can take about anything but still be risotto, but mac and cheese is much more defined.